Look up

Son, look up, “The righteous are as bold as a Lion.”  There is where the man of God fully equipped for every good work  must stand and must dwell, there is his strength (righteousness!) Psalm 17: 15 “I will see your face in righteousness, I will be satisfied when I awake in your likeness.”


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My God you are faithful and true! Hebrews 4:12 says,

 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Son you are soon to be fifty nine years old, now that you are remembering things and time frames from all your life who do you think will get away or escape my judgment? You just thought of Pierre Trudeau and saw his life and spirit, you see others as well as the true spirit of Canada your nation. Who will escape my outstretched arm? Anyone? Do you think anyone? I will wait and see what you reply.

Lord you know! You do know! No man will ever escape the truth forever! Forever your word is settled in Heaven. Though a million kings and rulers attempt to twist and turn the truth they will never touch it! As Psalm 12 verse 7, you shall keep them o Lord, you shall preserve them from this generation forever. However they will draw all those who revel with them in their lies and rebellion and none of them will escape.

Their worm will never die and their fire will never cease. Mark 9:43-48


Hubert Rondeau


Servants trials


Thankful took Servants arm as they walked along the lake shore, it was early morning and the sunrise promised a bright new day. The birds sang and the sound of their singing seemed to brighten the already bright shinning day ahead.  Speaking Thankful asked, “Why is it that Gods children suffer Servant?” And why is it that the ones who suffer the most seem to understand so much more?” Servant struggled with Thankful’s question as he limped along holding her arm in his. There could be a few reasons he said, but one would be of desire and self interest when people are well they don’t seem to go into the core of their soul as as when we suffer seemingly without relief.

Thankful, could it be that God has given me this lot in this life, could it be that I am here solely for this purpose? That my life would be a glare to this world? Everywhere I go I see people with lost eyes, shallow and cold from living in a world where disjointedness is more common than conceitedness. Where people are alone, like I was when we met at two doors. Servant, remember when I fell asleep with my hair stuck in the tree sap? Do you remember what I said? “Something about my not being very exciting wasn’t it”? John you stayed by that door, you watched and prayed everyday! And everyday nothing happened! “Something did happen Thankful – every day I died a little more to self, and lived a little more to God, as he refined me with the trial of my flesh. This testing of the heart refining and burning leaving me numb until I value nothing but Christ and know as the Apostle Paul said that to live is Christ and to die is gain.

Earlier today I received another note from my Brain care case worker telling me that all my files and forms are in and in order for the disability pension board to approve and now we just need to wait as they will review them. Then she told me that this would take four months  Four months?

Did you happen to read my earlier post from today how God in his anger was striking the Government people with the flat of his sword?  Well maybe he just showed me that to prepare me for the answer I got from them today. I have been unemployed by this disability 7 months now, and they are going to take 4 more months to see if i qualify for help?  wooo hooo? who is the crook today? I have been paying into this evil system since age 14, I am 58 now.

They are all getting paid to play with my life, and with the lives of people like me who  need help now!  Its been 17 years since my handicap went chronic, I needed help bad then…


Hubert Rondeau




August 21 18. Son remember that the gifting and callings of God are without repentance! I have called you from your childhood, only you did not know. When I told you to go back in order to go ahead it was that you could find my call, but you missed it. You did not understand what I was saying. Your brain injuries were a great problem, but your family was far more devastating to you than you could ever understand! One day you will know.  I prompt you to write, I call you to write, but you think that there is nothing in you to write anymore. You know that you need only to set your pen to the page and the words will come. I call my children from darkness into the light. The world has no light. You have light but still you live in darkness. Turn around! turn and live, I did not call you to destroy you, I have called you so that you could live and have life.

My God look at me! You see and you know that I have missed my whole life because of brain trauma, and sickness and so much sin. Lord you have known me and it was you who called me from my youth. The Devil did everything to destroy me you know that too. But here I am now  handicapped and disabled….but still I trust in you alone for there is no other. There is no  one who will care for my soul as from my youth even till now this day. They have all abandoned me and left me alone, 1959-2018 58 years of this illness, broken-mindedness, loneliness, misunderstood, mistreated, invisible, ignored, broken, broken, broken.

Thieves and robbers break in and steal, no in my life they just walk right in and take whatever they want. How much longer Lord, how much longer before you stand up for me and hammer down my adversaries? Where is your servant, where is Baruch, where is Jeremiah, where is John Withers? Is he dead? Will you never raise him up? Will he never again glory in you? Hear me Oh Lord hear me!  amen


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Hubert Rondeau.

The sword is in your hands

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Hi, so its August 30 2018, I had been laying in bed listening to some old worship songs “No higher calling, by Maranatha and Some Brooklyn tabernacle choir, “we come rejoicing, and my help comes from the Lord, when my Alberta Brain Care  case worker called about my application for aid through the government. I have been down for the last two days and the call really troubled me a lot. My case worker assured me that it would be okay that they always do this, but my thought was  that they were trying to criminalize me so that they wouldn’t have to help me.  After the call I got up to go to the washroom, as I went I began to see a vision. The Bible says in psalm 11:10 that the Lord is angry with the wicked every day, and if they do not turn back he will whet his sword.

The vision I saw was the Lord in his anger striking these people (Governments) with the flat of his sword as if a man were to strike an ant hill with a two edged sword laid flat. In the vision the Lord was very angry so much so that everything about him was vibrating like the intense heat waves of a mirage, he was thoroughly angered almost to rage. It is a biblical answer to the heart of  God that his wrath is yet to come on those who despise him and his children.

Lord Jesus I’m no criminal! I just need a lot of help. I was in desperate need for the last 17 years, and I got mocking revelings and rebukes! The sword is in your hands Lord!

The sword is in your hands,

Thank you for this vision, I know that you are near. amen amen.

Hubert Rondeau

No Higher calling


Old poems; Straight and Out of the box

Hello everybody;  so it’s been a long time since I have posted anything on See Here.

I have had some serious even life threatening health issues not yet resolved, and have also ended up with a pacemaker which may be helping but so far isn’t allowing me to recover and gain strength. My testimony to this all is that God knows the number of our days , and I will rest and wait .  Blessed be his Holy name.

Below are two of my favorite pieces I pray you are blessed by them as you read.

Note: some of you may notice that I took these poems from the Worlds last chance poetry section, yes I have had well over 100 pieces published there for many years. Its not plagiarism its my own work.


Hubert Rondeau