Sharing credible data from a credible source

Dane Wigington at

You MUST see this and listen closely. You probably will do no such thing eh?

This video concerns me personally as my home town of Edson Alberta was evacuated twice in about three weeks due to “”””””””Man Made lighted fires! “””””” yours truly being a witness to the events with my Sister… whom also witnessed, with me, the Fire in Jasper National Park last summer, also lit via, Helicopter as I see it. I’m standing on my Right to free speech here! Although It may get me in big trouble anyway. I was a bullied child, bullied throughout my life I HATE bullies. especially the kind that steal, kill, and destroy. The very thing Satan and all his children so readily want to do. So yes the first evac.. had no fire close enough to my town for any panic, the second was lit, I watched the choppers from my 4th floor apartment window, we evacuated for 5 days. nothing burned. then this week we are getting severe flooding all around us with multiple alerts. WOW! I have been Harping and Barking about the global take down of the Global Cabal for years, Nobody listens. I think they are already all stupefied. The Lord told me not to bother trying to warn anymore, because the decisions are already made…….Mankind is toast! and as I see it we are being Judged of God for telling him to get lost for the last 100 years already. Soooooo, If you care to watch Dane, try to comprehend what he is saying, this is all old news to me, like 20 years old, and still the planes vomit out our poisons every day and even the people I went to school with 45 years ago are utterly clueless. Way to go Globalists, and Governments. You have done it. Nevertheless your judgement lies wait from the Very God you all fools think is dead.

Jasper fire 2022

Hubert Rondeau

Micheal James did a song years ago “Closer to the fire.”

Its still a great Christian Song, “Where your love will warm my heart and ______-my soul, I can hear you calling me____ Closer to the fire.”

Listen to this lady proclaim to you what she saw in 2019 before the blind allowed the vile to overrun the world. Hahahaha. I know what you think but yes I am still a believer but I have never been asleep. just go back through my blog and you will see that I have been predicting what you and I are facing today for a long time !

PEOPLE!!!! You never gave me the time of day in 15 years!

So this is to you and your reward…….. UGGH

Click watch and LISTEN closely ! She said this in 2019, and was upset angry at you all! For your sakes!

Don’t get in a frazzle with the language….

If the Globalists get their way you’ll have a long time to bite your own tongue!


A Message to Police;
A message to police YouTube, Josie outlaw:
In this Video Josie lays down the Right….The right way, the Good way, for all cops in this time, although her message was before this insane COVID Hijacking of the entire world of humanity, the message can’t possibly be more important to cops now than ever. Something I have seen within my heart …..yes Gods people do see things this way, what I have seen in my heart is the cops now and future being reduced from the highest of integerous people to the most debased thereof. Where they become cold and uncaring and unthinking almost like machines. Please watch this video and consider your own character if you are a cop, and If you know a cop, good cop, or bad cop send them this video because the time is now and cops need to know that they are there for the people…. Not the establishment.

As I said before the world has been Hijacked and they want no hostages, or witnesses, the plan is ……kill….. Kill everyone and everything, and why should you be surprised since the Bible declares that the Devil comes not but to kill steel and destroy?

Now if your still with me go back to YouTube and type
September 8, 2020 interview with Dane Wigington
This is a video conversation with Mike Murphy and Dane Wiginton on Geo- Engineering, the plan the process, the proof and the progress. It is incredible listening.
For me personally it’s frustrating and heart breaking because I have been trying to lead people to understand the two most critical questions you will eve face in your entire life time! What will you do when you face the Holy God who gave you your life? and what will you do about the insane Megalomaniac elite who are designing your extermination. Okay I fought this fight for 13 years, and gained nothing from it. No one believed me at least not enough to look for themselves, it was far easier to mock or shrug Hubert off than to consider that he might know what he is talking about. As for me personally the Lord told Me that I do not need to say another word, he has this ….! He has it it is in his hands, where will you come out when he closes his fist on the Globalists? will you be crushed and ground into powder? or will you fall on the rock Jesus Christ and be saved…. At this point it may no longer be your choice, it may be too late ! So many have mocked God for so many years. Fall on your knees and pray he might still hear you.

As for me; I’m the least likely too; when I was a kid, choosing up teams they always said, “You can have Hubert.” I was a runt a gangling handicapped kid I couldn’t play sports and was a reject. Figure that one out huh ….. I love you and I don’t know you and you would walk right past me as though I were invisible! Maybe I am Praise God for it I might not get tasered after all.
Hubert Rondeau

The wonderful world of humanity; Still remaining clueless doing your small part for the greater good blindly wearing the veil of the forced new religion, or should I say the new religion of force? Welcome to totalitarianism….

Welcome to as it was in the days of NOAH

You call that a Rain Storm or what?

The Word of God says through Jeremiah, “Woe to the man who does the Lords work with a slack hand.” Ah, that’s a real positive message when your tired and want to go to sleep but you know you need to do something purely silly first.
What might that be….you won’t ask so I’ll just say it .





Calculate the amount of water and the rate of the rainfall in Noah’s flood.
Did you notice the Rope Cloud in the picture above,

I thought we were in for it, but it went by us to the North East.

So, here’s my calculation on paper… lol… I may be out to lunch but I know you would have never thought this up on your own.

In Genesis, in the Bible,  we see the description of Noah’s flood  Ch 6.

It was the ‘First’ and will be the only Global Flood on P.E. ‘planet earth’. Genesis says that the waters covered the tops of the mountains by several feet.

The Tallest mountain on earth Mount Everest stands at 5.5 miles. 29.029 feet. or 8.848 meters. It rained 40 days and 40 nights when God closed the Ark door on Noah, his family, and all the creatures which God had sent to Noah to be saved.
40 days and nights nonstop equals 960 hours, that doesn’t seem like much huh?
960 hours of rain and that the fountains of the deep were opened.

I’m not too sure what that might have meant though. Maybe the deep was the oceans above and the terrestrial oceans as well.
The waters rose 5.5 miles high in that time. Huh, no big deal right? Wait…., 960 hours / 40 days and nights, 29.029 feet? that’s, that’s like 960 hours x 60 minutes equals 5.760 feet per hour ! Woe! that’s 3.30703 feet per minute though. 3.3 feet per minute… that’s a Tsunami Rain!  Okay if you can swim in a 3,6, feet of tsunami wave for four seconds what will you do with the rest of the first day, let alone the 960 hours of the 40 days and 40 nights. This is staggering….



Talking about a slack hand; when Y-H-W-H condemned the world in his wrath the first time, it didn’t really take long did it. He created time, he himself is timeless, as he says “a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like a day to him.”

I recently watched this YouTube video on the 1972 RAPID CITY flood. I wasn’t aware of the surprise I was in for at the very end when the 9news team spoke there dialog. Please go watch it.

The reason I watched it was because my former wife was born in Rapid City South Dakota, and her oldest brother Dale was there with her Uncle Leland Prebble who then was Rapid City Cop.  Dale told me his story first hand many years ago.( I had no idea what he was saying) but that in the after math of the flood Uncle Lee took Dale my brother in law who is also diseased at this posting; Lee, took him with him in a row boat the next day out into the flooded parts of the City to shoot the now stray Dogs that were eating on the bodies of the people who had died in the flood. They were so overwhelmed in Rapid, that they couldn’t just go pick up the dead, it took a few days.

Why the story and the flood of Noah story too, well, its mind blowing -God – proportional events that sometimes wake us up, but most often we see nothing, and hear nothing, and spend our lives ignorant and blind at least —- semi purposely—-.

I have written so much and gotten zero response, at least your equivalent killed the Bible prophets you know!
At the end of the news cast, wait…., during the news cast somewhere, the news reporters tell us that Rapid City had gotten a years rain in just a few short hours, listen closely and you’ll hear it when you watch the video. That didn’t trigger me until I heard the news anchor close to the end saying that those in “Authority” called it a one in a thousand or a one in ten thousand year flood! I lost my mind right…. there!…. You see this is part of the diatribe the preached and propounded paradigm they began to feed us back then, in the 70’s too.  Using “TIME” as the measure….., and since they weren’t there they can use insane numbers to blind you and I.  That event happened 48 years ago. The fact is I’m sure that in the Black Hills back in 1972 there was  a project of the then – fledgling geo-engineering cult  just beginning their experiments. The result several hundred people lost their lives, and none were the wiser.

I got this! I got this….! You need to pay attention and get this too!

Because God has appointed once for men to die then comes the judgment, both yours and mine.

Yikes! I am a sinner Jesus Lord help me and have mercy on me!

Maybe you are above all that I doubt it though.

Jesus said once, “Repent and be saved from this evil generation.” Ive been repenting for many years it is a life style and a good one.

Note: The Enviromental-Eugenisits have now  begun to predict a mass human die off,
isn’t that handy for them since killing humans is what eugenicists do.
The Deagle report has the U.S population down by 270.000.000 and Canada down to 10 million, all in the next 6 years.
They’ll find a better way than Chemtrail spray M..a..y..b..e..e.., I bet maybe another wave — of a new virus pet–. Created in a Gates laboratory……Yeah.
This is no joke the poet said; they want us killed – they want us dead.

lol Hubert shrugs.
Ive been blowing the trumpet since 2007 no one has wanted to hear it! I am lousy player, cant sing or do math well either but aaaaggggh
Turn your heart to Jesus Christ today, listen he says “Behold I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hear and open I will enter in and dine with him.”

He says Faith comes by hearing and hearing comes by the word of God. I you can hear this post, God has given you ears, now give him your heart.


Hubert Rondeau


Tsunami Next :


Tsunami Next:

Photo borrowed online.

I have written several things over the years many times with an agitated heart and soul, but this article is going to be a bit different in that, in that I am so able to see it coming, so clearly now.
The tide is high and I’m holding on…… no not really but the tide is very high and the incredible wave of human madness is ever rising with it. The massive flood of human evil will soon crest and force its way throughout the nations with little to no resistance.
What am I talking about? Well lets start with the Covid- covert- conspiracy, that’s a mouth full of – C’s….Maybe that’s why my blog site is called See-Here. It’s time for you to see, you see.
The Covid caper started way back when men decided that there were- too- many people in the world, that was long long ago, maybe around the turn of the century. Back in the day before the day, back in the days when smart….. anything… referred to a person or group of persons, and nobody ever referred to any contraption as ‘smart’.
Those were the days when some of those ‘smart’ people began to gather together in smart clubs and called themselves Eugenicists “Killers of humans” in a different term.
Terms matter in this smart world, that’s where we get terms like Zigot, Fetus, and Geoengineering, just to mention a few.
The “smart” Eugenicists began a covert population control agenda, which led to our nations feeling- self- right- eous about- ‘choice’-a women’s right to “kill her unborn babies” and that by the millions annually. Ever wonder -Maybe- why God doesn’t seem to answer prayers for healing mercy and grace? “Your people murder and kill even their own children and then come to him for mercy?” believing that God thinks that okay too, so It’s God Bless America…..or Canada, or Europe, or Wherever.
So on we go…. abortion is not slowing the population growth of the planet! Gods original command was to “go forth and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it!”
A lot of people were very eager to obey that commandment from every nation tribe and tongue, and the Eugenicists had an ever growing problem.
Vaccines: Yes the savior of man kind! Inoculate every child born several times by the time they are five years old, use Mercury and Aluminum, and chlorine in the vaccine, in order to retard as many as possible, even killing many within days of their inoculation.
Are you getting a picture yet?
Now, “Yes,” the Eugenicist said, “but that’s still not enough. we need to step this up but how?” “easy says one of the off-spring of the founders, I will fund and form a world renown organization of “Scientists” who will be employed in the discovery of killer viruses, and in so doing we will find vaccines that don’t cure necessarily, but tend to backfire and mutate, and maim, cripple, and kill even more.
Think this fiction? its not.
On we go…, so we find racism flaring up again… to a real Christian…….( There can never be any such a thing as racism! ) God has said that he has created all —-all—-alllll— mankind from one blood! we are no different one from another on the basis of color. If you need proof consider this. Are we not all equally as capable of great violence regardless of skin color? Have not most nations murdered even their own peoples over the last several hundred years alone? And why because of color? No because of perceived class, and greed, and a disease among men of all color that, megalomania –
The mental dilution of right to rule.

Okay before I go too far and forget to come back. Whats the Tsunami? what am I saying? Well I’m saying that the People have plotted a vain scheme and the nations do rage! (Psalm 2) The world has taken her stand again everything true, everything of God, everything HOLY, though there seems to be little or none of the holiness of God in the earth today. The nations have decided to pull down truth, to eradicate History even re-write it, they are flooding the streets with mindless causes dreamed up by the same families and cultic Deep State maniacs that began the nightmare of –World dominance, Eugenics and Human Farming.
All that I say? yes and much more.
So the stew pot is full.. (All Nations) .. and boiling and the Tsunami is building.
Back in the early 1900’s or late 1800’s Freud bewitched the ‘smart’ people into his delusions, ….THEY didn’t know God!… But Freud’s Nephew Edward Bearnaise was the demon and the demon promotion behind all of Freud’s perversion and madness. If you have read this artacal this far you need to go and find the documentary “The Century of Self” its on YouTube. There you will get a perspective of where humanity is at and why. Edward Bearnaise taught Human Farming to Governments and Corporations, like I certainly never knew; it was a hard lesson for me. But when you digest it you will know why. Why what?– Why everything….and why the nations rage, and the people plot vanity, as Paul said in Ephesians, “they live in the futility of their minds.”
The Global…world…humanity at large has been completely programed into, ‘human happiness machines for a hundred years, ever think you are your own person and your thoughts are your own? fact is you were indoctrinated right from birth.
I keep getting off track, the Tsunami is a global plan to eradicate human lives down to half a billion people in all, and you and I are not in that number, so don’t fool yourself into thinking you are safe. The …Pandemic of 2020…Covid 19 ….. is in part a false flag designed to cause a global conditioning conducive to ‘control ‘panic and ‘hysteria . (order out of Chaos) is the partial goal of the N.W.O. in this Pseudo Pandemic.
The Tsunami is the peoples of the earth in a panic state, out of control and losing their minds in fear, violence, and pandemonium. I told my son Jes recently about this when he’d mentioned that he had wanted to attend the ‘black lives matter demonstration.’ Of course black lives matter, but this is not about racism anymore this is about human manipulation and the propagandisation of distrust, hatred, violence, fear, and anything that will cause unrest. I told him that this was a Human Tsunami, and that when you see a Tsunami coming you have one chance to get out of the way, get to higher ground and watch it go by! Do not wade into it or it will sweep you away, it will cost you your life!
Proverbs 18:10 Says; “The name of the Lord is a Strong Tower the righteous run into it and they are saved. Right there is your sanctuary from this storm, the storm to end all storms. Am I saying Armageddon, no, I’m saying the craziest time on earth where people have legs to stand on, but nothing beneath those legs because they have destroyed their own foundation.
So what and why? What about it all? and Why should anybody care?
Well in the Beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth. For some reason he created mankind, and not only that he created them in his own image and likeness.
I think he loves people you know….
So… Well when he created them, Adam, the Eve, he made them so fully alive that they already had everlasting life …. in Spirit and in truth. Then came the salesman of all salesmen the Devil, and he tried to sell them the thing Adam and Eve already possessed…All wisdom and Knowledge and that from God. Eve thought it ‘smart’ to get that, bought the Devils lie and sold it to Adam dirt cheap!
That is when the problems stated; as God had said, that day Adam and his wife Eve ….died. Oh their bodies lived on but the Spirit of God left them or was taken away and now they were no longer in Gods Image and likeness but only somewhat like God. Not at all the same in; fact their firstborn Cain, was also the worlds first murderer.
Something happened didn’t it?
All down through the generations of man people now were lost to a terminal life a life that ended before it started, because in eternal terms we were all still born.
That is where John 3:5-8 comes in that is where the Strong Tower of the name of the Lord begins in earnest. Jesus reproved the highest religious dude in Town, as he always had done, by telling him that he, Nicodemus must be born again. The eternal life part wasn’t in his religion either! nor anyone else’s for that matter including yours! So that said, we missed the main points of Christs coming, and brought them all, mankind, instead to the – Law- the very thing he, Jesus had come to fulfill and to write off, having nailed it to the cross!
Tsunami Hubert! come on Preacher!
The point of TRUE Christianity, is that God wanted a world full of his own offspring, Satan tried to thwart it, he is so stupid that he tried the same ruse with Jesus as he had with Eve, He offered Jesus everything Jesus already owned,
Not only that, Jesus was with The Father in the beginning creating it all.
So there’s the foundation the N.W.O is trying to destroy not because its a lie, but because the only thing the Devil has to work with is his own lie, he is the Father of lies. So its not a new world order its an old crooked legged Devils third hand lie.
Don’t you get into his Tsunami, its easy to recognize it always starts the same, “Breaking news, This Just in, Global, Environmental, Smart, etc…..” Think about it Racism? really? that dog was buried in the 1960’s who do you think revived it….? the Cops or the Global, Cabal, and their propagandists, including ‘the fake news?’
Its all the same bag with all the same chipped up dirty old marbles.

In Closing/Maybe:

If you have read this article you have some new tools and a new opportunity in your life that many many millions of people will never have.
Please conciser this.
If you have understood the few things I have written here, and watched the Century of Self, and read Genesis 1, and John 3,5-8, you have been given a precious gift from God, that is to understand our day.
Use it wisely, get out of the turmoil the Devil wants to engulf you with, get up on higher ground where you can look around and see clearly, watch the building Tsunami, steer clear of the madness, get to the strong tower the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and start climbing the ladder of faith unto salvation.
God sent Jesus to enter death and to conquer that evil foe for you, he wants you as his child because he just does!
You won’t ever have to earn it, just ask and he will open the door for you. The Bible says more than once, “everyone who calls on Jesus name will be saved. Don’t hum and haw, don’t put it off, do it now, tomorrow may be too late.
P.S. I’m done, however… just know that I wrote this entirely for your sake, I won’t ever make a penny for writing it. A fellow I know picked a dime off the floor in my apartment the other day and handed it to me, I said, “A penny for your thoughts, and a dime for nothing!” We both laughed…. but this is a paradigm changing opportunity for you forever take it.
The best things in this life are free.

By Hubert Rondeau
June 2020

Slight shift here take a look



Today June 3 2019IMG_4818.PNG

June 3 2019 rain in the Alberta kill-zone


I asked my friend Tina Thomas, the environmentalist what this might be.


I have been on P.E. for a long time now, and here – is- something new. Check out the texts, and the Instagram posts.



Oh wow sorry about the texting typos.






Dialog With Miss Tina Thomas, here.


So here’s a shocker for “Complacent hearts”. Yahweh God is the God of truth. He is and always will be the God of all truth. No lie is of the truth He says.

So he also says that He sends prophets always to speak the truth to all men. Yeah and often he makes them look like jerks, fools, old men, and maybe sometimes pretty women.  They rise up and go out early, hahahaha, but the people they are sent too mock ridicule and very often kill the messenger. “Well I prophesy today that the  last days prophets, will  and are being treated the same as the old, and the message of God and the truth of the destruction of man will largely fall on deaf ears.”  Be sure your ears are either covered up, or open them and your eyes too,  because we are closer to the end than to the beginning.


Don’t be derailed by the Unicorns, grab your KJV and see they are in there too.

God bless you and give you eyes to see and uncover your ears as you think about this post.

You may think me crazy with my terms i.e. “The Alberta Kill Zone” but I have lived and worked in the Alberta Environment for many decades, I say lived, but also I could say died! I have seen so much death in the wilds of our province that, well, I wish I would have saved the mountains of documentation I had gathered and once posted. Here’s a tiny sample from the  WEST FRASER HINTON main office wall.


When one of our woodland supervisors tucked herself in under my arm and smartly asked me…. “What are you doing Hubert, trying to get an education?”  See I was in a high position, but nobody knew a thing about what I knew. I said to her, “No, just look at all the deaths due to cardio pulmonary  disease, she pulled her face in closer looked and said, “Oh yeahhhh” then turned and bobble headed off none the wiser on more caring.

look at the causes of death and wonder as I did, one year? Cardiopulmonary disease? yeah its there! What effect do airborne Geo engineered surfactants play on the human respiratory, and cardiac systems….?  I don’t know  but I almost died too, and now live with a heart pacer.

Thanks Tina for your feedback, friendship and input.

Hubert Rondeau




A Dying World 58



Regis and Atienne found refuge in an abandoned barn next to a stone strewn field, it looked as though the stones had been individually placed evenly spaced across the vastness of the open ground. “Who knew that we were playing with such power as this Atienne, what has the shadow created? will she not stop? America is gone, Canada has been destroyed, poisoned from above, the killer chemical sprayers have sprayed the toxic death for so many years that the minds of the people are poisoned, they could no longer think, no more could they look up and understand, the minds of the masses; well they are mindless beasts, they never recovered from the poison they have breathed and eaten as food for two, three decades, or more.” Atienne looking at his cohort, “It has been a perfect plan of destruction, the shadow has performed the plan with precision and stealth, ‘no one knew, and the ones who did died suddenly, were poisoned individually or disappeared without a trace, or were murdered. The NEW world superior race has triumphed. The plan has succeeded. In one day, the earth has been brought to her knees, the Dying World, has fallen.”

Marshal Blackburn sat close to the fire it was early morning and Selah was with the ladies in the ranch house. “Box Dorx!” He shouted staring at the fire, “I tried to tell them, they’re all in boxes, all of them, Toilet paper comes in boxes too! Morons! They got the rit, the rite and the rote, but they got no brains! I tried to warn them! I spent fifteen years trying to break them out of their boxes! Fifteen years I wasted trying to break them out of the jail they created for themselves thinking they were the wise ones. Fifteen years of kicking the sides out of the boxes so they could look out and see the light of day.” “Paper trained, yeah paper turns to mush in the heavy rains, and the boxes, well, the do too, then what is left?” Littlebear listened as Marshal spoke, he knew Marshal had suffered a brain injury from the Silent Sound Spread which had created the killer storms they had miraculously escaped. Marshal was untouchable now the only person who was able to reach into his heart and bring him comfort was Selah. But Littlebear knew Marshal wouldn’t be with them for long, the damage was severe, he was all but gone. Box Dorx, Marshals dirge was all about his spending several years of his life in the attempt to warn as many people as he could of the upcoming catastrophe which he had understood, the blinding of the masses, with desires, wants and useless wrangling’s and competition, the Jones’s, the American dream, now the nightmare. The Box Dorx were the blind leading the blind and all of them ended up in the ditch together as the lava, the fire, the floods, and heaving twisting and turning wrung disfigured, and defaced nearly all the land as the earth turned east to west and south the new north strong and desolate. Where O where were the brilliant scientists now.

In the beginning god made the heavens and the earth….

In the beginning God made man in his image and according to his likeness, to the point that it seemed that man had succeeded in destroying what God had given him to nurture, cultivate, tend, and nurture. Marshal was right, Littlebear knew his message, it was the message he and Janine both heard while in university, and it was the message that drove them home to the mountain where life was.

Bella had gone out walking with Whitefeather, and Selah after breakfast, they ventured over to the edge of the ridge finding the new lava hot spring pouring forth hot, crystal clear waters from the mouth of the geyser. “Healing waters Bella exclaimed, God has blessed us with these waters.” It wasn’t long before all of the village began to follow one another to the hot springs, soon all were sharing in the wonder only Marshal wouldn’t go in.

As the day wore on, all were gathered back to camp, when Littlebear remembered a story his dad had told him before he died, the story was a story which he’d heard written by a watchman far up North, Carter Littlebear asked that all would please listen to him as he recited the story,

“What can Happen in one day…The Dad handing his son a small piece of wire, his son not knowing what that was.”

What can happen in one day? Everything you know can pass away!
The mountains can all crumble – and fall flat to the ground, the valleys can be heaved up, high as level ground. What can happen in one day? Many things it seems.
Nations, kingdoms, countries – forever perishing. What can happen in one day?
The Sun be darkened as the night; all the elements could melt.  What could happen in one day? Maybe men could catch a thought of what is coming next. Say that you are young, married fresh and new, suddenly the whole world shifts, and starts, and everything’s shook loose.  All the houses are destroyed, not one of them is left. No more cities superstore or restaurants are left. All the Government extinct, Hospitals all gone, no more motor vehicles, trucks or buses to ride on.
Many others I could say, I think you get the point…everything you knew and loved is forever gone.

As survivors now you two are left to the work at hand, to work with sweat upon your brow to get a living from the land.  So, one day you bring forth a child and you watch him grow, then you sit when he is older and tell of long ago. “Son, you may not believe this, but we used to own a house, a truck, and a car, we used to drive along the highway at sixty miles per hour.
We used to walk across the street, and buy our groceries from the store.
Then we’d bring them home and put them in the – refrigerator.
We used to go to the airport every now and then, and climb into a jet and fly off to another land.” “Son, this world is all you’ve ever known but once upon a time,
One Day happened – everything changed and we were left behind,
a lot can happen in one day, now we’ve come to know it.
Hold your life with a loose grip, for God may make you let go of it.

But he says to you, “Whatever is a car?  And what is this other thing for food – a refrigerator?”
“Well, Son, a refrigerator is like a great big box,” “Whoa! Dad, What’s a box? Maybe you’ve been laying for too long with your head on the damp moss! “No, Son, a box was made of cardboard, and cardboard from a tree. I told you at the start, Son, that you might not believe me.” A lot can happen in one day, the world as we now know it could forever change, and change again, like it did in the time of Noah. For as it was in the days of Noah, so it shall be in the days of the Son of Man.

As Littlebear finished telling the story, Marshal came over to him, handing him a small piece of wire, he told Littlebear that it was time for him to go now. Marshal turned facing the valley below where the city had been, he began to walk away from the village knowing it was over for him. Selah ran behind calling his name until he stopped kneeling down, he caught her in his arms, he hugged her tightly as he said he had to go away now it was time. “It’s time for you to die, she cried, I know but I, I, I love you! I don’t want you to die! you have to live! I love you! Selah cried hard as Marshal held her and cried with her.  “It will be alright sweetie he whispered chocking on his few words, “we will see each other again I promise.” As Whitefeather, and Littlebear came Littlebear took Selah into his arms when Marshal Blackburn turned to walk away once more, remembering the words Dunning had Spoken, “it’s always the children who have to pay for the blindness of the adults and their utter folly. “God I am innocent of this, I tried, for fifteen years I tried to warn them they thought I was crazy. They all died before me. “Box Dorx!” Broken Cisterns that can hold no water, living water! “Box Dorx, loved the laws created to frame them in, to corral them into the paradigms that destroy the truth, darkened the way and scatter boulders onto the path of life.”

Selah fought to break loose of Littlebears hold of her once free she knelt down and began to pray within her heart, the Lord answering her, “Do you remember Noah child?” “Yes, Lord she replied,” “What color was his hair?” “White Lord” “Do you remember Elijah then?” “Yes, I Remember Elijah you took him to heaven and he didn’t die.” Hahahaha.” Selah stood up filled with Joy once again. Walking back to the ones gathered nearby Selah suddenly turned waving her arms and yelling back to Marshall as he disappeared below the rise. “Do good Corporal Blackburn!” then softly she repeated, do good.” As they neared the group Little bear handed the small piece of wire which Blackburn had given him to Selma.


Hubert Rondeau

photo borrowed online















A Dying World Ch 15


A Dying World Ch 15

Louis Winston and Clark Kenting got back to head office, Monday morning 8:00 am, “Well there’s the two clowns now Staff Sargent Dunning blared.” “Didn’t you boys go up and make clowns of us all huh?” “Sargent Dunning sir,” Winston began to protest, “We didn’t!” “You didn’t what Winston?” “We saw everything on screen!” “You both emptied your weapons at two hillbillies, then whimped out without resistance or a fight! Ain’t that the new American way of governance huh!” “Sargent Dunning sir, they would have killed us both.” “Yeah boys so it’s death before dishonor here in America! You both should have went to work at Walmart, and not come back here!” “Sargent you said you saw the whole thing; did you see Marvin jerk me out of the car with one arm? I was like a mouse to him!” “Yeah you poor boys endured a lot,” Dunning chided, now you’ll just have to go back and finish the job you were sent to do!” He screamed into their faces. “Sarge, there is no insurrection up there, it’s just a small band of natives, and about thirty redneck hillbillies, a gas station, and a general store.” Dunning began to rage again; Clark Kenting, If I tell you there’s an insurrection, then there is an insurrection and you need to go stomp it out!”

“Wait, Sarge, wait!” Kenting was mad now, timid but not a coward; “False Flag? Is this a false flag sir! Who are we going to blow up? is this like the W.T.C? Murder three thousand of our own people so we can start a perpetual war anywhere in the world killing millions and losing hundreds of thousands of our own people for what world domination and control? Oh no, no, no I see it now I see it! The false flag is to create a public scene, a bait and switch, we go up make a story that looks like a native insurrection, make a big deal of it, then you send it out all over the “Global news”, Then! Then, you send in way too much power, and blow the place to hell. But the natives and the rednecks had nothing to do with the true agenda! The true agenda was that you are trying to set off an eruption a mega eruption of the Yellowstone Caldera, that could potentially destroy most of the U.S.A.! I don’t buy the insane Sarge, I see the truth in everything! 911 was a controlled demolition, the plot was to create a new world order, one where war and murder was acceptable, and honored, men and women invading wherever, to destroy international sovereignty, and establish global dominance.” “Sir! Patriotism is the blindest form of religion the Devil has ever created! And we make heroes out of assassins and villains!”  Sargent Dunning turned away from looking at Winston and Kenting, several minutes later he came close again taking his hand gun out of its holster. “Kenting, you have just signed and sealed both of your death warrants, looking down at his weapon he continued, and mine too!” “Silent Sound Spectrum Spread, has enabled intelligence to see and hear anything anywhere. Unfortunately, Nikola Tesla’s work was preserved, and evil men and women, found the ways and means of employing it to control and ultimately destroy the world.” “We are so insignificant in this whole picture that it doesn’t even matter what we do, they will go on and they will succeed, the only one who could stop them is the one who said it would happen in the first place and they even they are his tools.”

“Judgment begins in the house of the Lord, our blind leaders of the blind nations know nothing of the truth, and any that do are bought off, though they know that they will be done away with as soon as their usefulness is over.” “You were right about everything corporal Kenting, now all that’s left for us to do is wait and see how we, you two, and I will be terminated.

Welcome to A Dying World!” Welcome to Radio Frequency mass destruction! The Military doesn’t need to blow anything up, they like blowing things up, people too, but they can barbecue any target around the planet without leaving their desks at any time. “You might as well know the truth, the truth you and I will die for.”

“It ain’t God Bless America, America has dreamed her way to self-destruction all on her own.”

“We came into this Country a bunch of renegades, killing, plundering, and stealing from the people who were here before us, we called them savages, yet we savaged everything.

Then we suddenly invented a new Religion, called it patriotism and continued in our bullying and killing plundering and stealing until now.  Now it’s all over, its over because the people love the lie. They love to feel like they belong, and that they are a part of something great, “America.” The great, just like Sodom the great and Egypt the Great from of old. Only now the great one will pay for her sins as Nikola Tesla, born in the 1800’s in Austria came here in 1884 looking for his ‘American Dream’, brought the perfect nightmare to pass on us all. Is this God Blessed America? I guarantee it is not. She is like the beast that went all over the world to destroy and now the beast is barking at her own door step at home.”

“This Beast is out of control she will never stop, unless God above says no! and puts forth his mighty arm to save, save us which are lost, more than lost toast is the better word toast!” “You boys were sent out to play a game, to start a false fire, now the fire is on us, and there’s nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.” Quiet fell like thunder as Dunning stopped. Winston and Kenting looked at each other, both knew they’d just heard the whole truth, both regretting that they knew what they now knew. It was easier before, when they knew but weren’t sure.

Truth makes one accountable, and when you see, you can’t not see.



Hubert Rondeau

Photo borrowed online