Sometimes life is Hard, Truth is lot easier than fiction. You don’t have to proof text truth.

Fighting 4 the faith Channel with Chris Rosberough / not sure I spelled that right…..By Gods mercy I’m beginning to Shake my own head .

Hebrews 12 ….. 27,28 and 29 So my world is shaking and I am Glad! Brace yourself if you are one of these delusional charises-mattesis / deceived. Let the true Spirit of God do his work in convicting you of maddening heresies and repent. Chris has several videos on his website and these are just two. I have held in my heart for some time that the contemporary Christianity of the day is Not Christianity at all but these preachers are Bastards as defined by Paul the Apostle. ” illegitimate and not sons”. Although I knew from the time of my Coming to Christ, I was still sucked in to their spell casting until it ruined my life and my walk with the true Jesus of the Bible.

The Alberta Medical Quagmire, 2024, with Dr Makus.

I would normally have few things to say about post/video which I put up…..

In world that has gone Spiritually berserk in the Charismatic Christian aspect…! I hardly want to say a single thing anymore! You know though Apostle Paul did tell Timothy to stir up the Gifting of God within him brought on by the laying on of Paul hands.

At any rate, I have written a lot of things over the years, many are becoming apparent now, but here’s the thing! Back in 2020 before the year began God by his Spirit gave me a word for the year, that was 2020 vision….everything would come clear an be revealed! boy did it ever, and most are still blind. 2023 he said Disastrophies, in your face, and consequences. Did you all notice any? Disastrophies = disasters man made. 2024…. December 21, I heard clearly what I wish I hadn’t heard at all. That is, Disastrous, and Human terror. Much Human terror. Woe is us if I see what I see and if the Lord is speaking to me ! But its not like I haven’t spoken before.

Look, 2020 in a very real scene will never end in the lives of billions, billions who drank the cool-aid and mingled their poison some over and over again! shot after shot until someone dies . Listen to Dr Makus, a former Edmonton Alberta Heart Doctor, I’m pretty sure he was one of my doctors for a time or two, maybe not but a Dr. Makus was for sure. this is in essence a forever post in that it is a timeless message.

If your addicted to vaxxinez and MRNA stuff you’ll hate me for this but …….Jesus have mercy on your soul. Hate me at will.

Poetic license isn’t against the law unless you are of the political disconnectedness cult.

WATCH 2 videos BELOW.

The Sea / Purchased of God


By Hubert Rondeau 

John and Annie were spending a lot of their time alone together. Brad and Sela worked in the Church preparing, and changing things and most of all ‘praying’, seeking the Lords Merciful direction.
As they walked along the sea of Galilee Servant spoke to Annie, “I am gonna walk on water!” he said, “Just watch me Annie!” Annie took his arm, “If you are walking on water John then I am too!” They joined hands and carefully walked out until the water was chest deep on Annie, who stopped, looked at John and said, “Its not working…. they laughed and laughed, and laughed until Annie became serious again, saying, “I haven’t been baptized yet, will you Baptize me John Withers?” “Yes Annie I’ll do it, but wouldn’t you like to wait and have witnesses?” “Jesus is my witness, and God knows my heart, that it is His, and that I am ready, and what better place to be Baptized than in the Sea of Galilee?”
Servant looked intently at Annie and asked as Phillip did the eunuch in the book of Acts. “Annie, do you love the Lord Jesus with all of your heart? and are you willing to die with him in this water of Baptism? and be raised into Resurrection life with him? counting your life to be crucified with him, and no longer live for yourself, but for Christ?” “I do love him with all of my heart, and soul, and Strength Servant!” “I have counted my life as crucified for Christs sake. I have no desire for Silver, or Gold, costly adornments, nor pageantry, but only to be with you, and live my life for God, in every way and with every breath.” “I believe you Annie .” Servant took Annie into his arms and baptized her in Jesus name lowering her down into the water. When Annie came up out of the water she was beaming, and bubbling with joy shouting praise to God and thanks to Jesus.
A man walking along the beach noticed them, and laughed calling out to them, Hey, wait for me my turn!” It was Brad who’d also come down to the ancient waters for some quiet time with the Lord. Brad approached them with laughing eyes and a huge relentless grin. “I too have need of Baptism! Servant! Baptize me!” John let out a low growl and hurled himself onto Brad and both men went underwater, coming up with loud laughter John took Brad by the shoulders and said, “Why do you want to be Baptized Brad? Tell me! Tell me?” ” I want to be baptized as Jesus was Baptized! for the washing away of ‘my sins’ Jesus had no sins to wash away but I have!” “I want to be buried in him in death, and be raised with him in everlasting life!”
By now many people had come out to where they were , and many listened closely to John as he spoke to his friend. “Brad, do you want to be raised a Baptist, or a Pentecostal, or do you want to be raised a Lutheran, or a protestant, a Nazarene, or some other sect? ” Brad was struck at heart. “No, No, no None, None None! I want to be raised a child of God! a child of the son of God! a son of the eternal kingdom! Cursed be the man to name over the cross of Christ ! For do they then please Christ or men? and do they put Christ to open shame, aghh but they are like the seven sons of Sceva, and they will flee in the end having not the Lord!”
John took Brad into his arms and submerged him into the Sea of Galilee saying I baptize you Brad Mannz in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.” Seconds later Brad came out from the water screaming with gladness “Hallelujah!” He hugged and kissed Annie then John, nearly beside himself with excited joy.
Brad Annie, and John turned to face the group of people who’d come out to see what these three strange people were doing.
“What must we do” a man said, “to be baptized, and live for God?”
“The scribes and Pharisees had Jesus the Christ murdered on the tree at Golgotha. Jesus was the man sent forth from God, sent to take away the sin of the world. He, it is, ‘in’ believing ‘in’ his name alone, that a man ‘must’ be saved. If you believe in the Lord with all of your heart, and confess in truth with your mouth , the Holy Bible says you will be saved. and if you love the Lord with all of your heart, you may die with him here in baptism, and be raised with him in everlasting life! For it is not when men are dead that they come to God, for the dead know nothing. But while a man lives he may come to the knowledge of the truth and be saved. If any among you wish to be saved, to live eternally with God, repent and be baptized for the remission of sin, and for the times of refreshing from the Lord. Until the day of the fullness of God when He receives the purchase he has bought in his son Jesus Christ.

A man came running up the beach, shouting toward them all. “Hey! Hey! Hey! Wait!” He plunged into the sea swimming toward them. He stood up panting for his breath, said, ” Not without me !” he laughed and shouted. “Praise you Lord! Hallelujah! You Oh Lord are God! Thank you, thank you! Elohi elesarrma natahela! Glory to your Holy Name!” a man in his forties, he was the first to come confessing his sins, and repenting, saying, ” I have always known that God rules from Heaven! and that there ‘must’ be a way in which men might be saved, but I didn’t know that it was through Jesus Christ, in the manner of belief unto salvation. Jesus walked this very Sea, and I have believed ! But I have fallen prey to those religions that call for a man to earn Gods mercy and grace. So, I remained far from the gift of salvation. Lord Jesus please forgive me and save me, a sinner, a sinner of sinners, I pray, amen!” Sela was so excited that he forgot himself and dunked the man into the water saying, “I baptize you brother, in Jesus Holy Name!” When the man came up out of the water he went to Servant and said, ” Thank you my brother! My brother, hugging him he continued, “When I was on the shore I looked and saw you. It seemed that there was a white dove over your head, and I heard a voice in my heart saying , ‘go over to him, he will tell you what you must do to be saved’. Today salvation has come to my house. “

More coming soon….

Hubert Rondeau author