Mirror mirror….

Sometimes its so good to look back!

In this day of instant  ‘everything’  we get so lost in all the JUNK we live by.

Sometimes its GOOD to be a bit older, to have lived through stuff!

To have something in the rear view mirror, to have ‘some kind of understanding’ that goes deeper than the “Instant” world we think we are living in today!

Instant indeed…  we live in the present tense, no we live in the present ‘intense’ and miss the peace that we were created to live and to know.

Unfortunately we have forgotten and forsaken the true and the precious value of ‘history’ our history still alive in the heartbeat of our seniors, no now we seek our lives right before our own eyes tied like a strong chain to multi media devices whose sole purpose is to keep us chained to the ‘present tense’ and never let us loose long enough to realize what a tragic life we are living.


Take some time today, listen to this song, put your hand in the hand of the man, look up, look around, and consider you own life.

Jesus has come for our lives for salvation, love, peace, and a true worth and value in this life.  He is the one who spoke of the pearl of greatest price,  that pearl is life in Him, a life of grace, and truth, a true life without attachment or media. The cost of media is distraction and destruction, their goal is to keep us all focused on commerce, something new we all should all want or think we need.

Give you a great gift today, sit back close your eyes listen to this old song and and gently pray for God to grant you a new wisdom and gentleness within that you can live and breathe life anew

Christ in you and Christ in me is the hope of glory, the ‘only’ hope of glory there is on earth today.


Hubert Rondeau



Behold the Nail


Recently I posted a video concerning the Hand and the Nail. The hand was significant in that the Lord Jesus’ hands his hands were pierced on our behalf and he shed His blood being Nailed to a timbered cross in-fact and indeed! So many preachers world wide have flailed out the Gospel of Christ over the generations without ever perceiving what they were speaking of!

Behold the Cup, the Bread, and the Nail!

Once upon a time I listened to a Pentecostal pastor attempt to explain Communion, as I sat listening  being new to “Churches” I knew that he had no idea what He was talking about that was sad since it took Him something like 8 years to get through seminary. Over the years to my own hurt I have endured hundred of such messages from “Christians”  who were more lost than the people they deemed as lost!

Point? Well Behold the Nail, the Cup and the Bread.

I am purposely not going into great detail about the meaning of the Lords table/ communion. Jesus said “As often as you observe it you proclaim the Lords death until he returns.” I will direct you though to search Jeremiah 16, and Notice the purpose of the Bread and the Wine in these passages.

7Neither shall men break bread for those in mourning, to comfort them for the dead; neither shall men give them the cup of consolation to drink for their father or for their mother.

The Breaking of the Bread was Historic and pointed directly to mourning for the dead. and the cup was a reference to consolation, consolation over the dead that they would rise again.

The broken bread pictures the body of Jesus Christ Nailed to the Cross and hung there till dead. Why? because the wages of sin is death. But but but??  Wait– Adam and Eves sin is the fullness of all sin and that is the primary sin that we all die for, the consequence of their sin was inherited by all of their children since. The sole reason Jesus went to the cross. Why? To restore us to the place which Adam and Eve fell from, wherein they had eternal life in their human bodies before sin. Sin therefor is an inheritance, and we all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory which God intended for us to inherit.

The Celebration of Holy Communion is therefore a reminder of the mourning of the death of the Son of God in the broken Bread, and the consolation and Comfort of the hope and the promise in His blood (the cup) the eternal hope of our resurrection from the dead.

Behold the Nail! Behold the Bread, Behold the Blood! The blood of Jesus sets us free from the curse of sin and the shame of death.

If you have just understood this for the first time, take a few moments to Thank the Lord for your life no matter how good or bad its gone, and ask him for the gift of salvation and eternal life which he has provided for  those whosoever would believe. Thank Him for the Bread, the Cup, the Nail. and the hands that held him to that tree for you. amen


Hubert Rondeau

Oct 30 18


P.R.S: Worth a thought



PROBLEM: Either created or fictitiously made up … World Trade Center  …  A controlled Demolition claimed to be an act of terror, when in fact it was a controlled demolition, resulting in the manslaughter of 3000 people, and the excuse to invade several countries in the name of a fictitious war on terror! Where in the real terrorists were in fact the creators of the entire global scam and its millions of casualties, not to mention another step in global dominance and the billions to be made through the invasions of Countries

Reaction, again fictitious, made up by the News Media! (Somebody’s Got To Do Something!! And fully planned to fit the scenario planed ahead for a bogus solution to the created problem.

Solution:  The Solution comes from the very ones who created the problem or fictitious problem, also known as (false flag). In this case ,”The war on Terror”.


The end game goal, global dominance and eventual governmental control, i.e., military martial law,  death camps the whole deal, up to and one day including the mark of the beast.

Don’t think to lightly on this point ! Aren’t we all tending or trending in that direction when we see so much wrong doing and bloodshed and it doesn’t cause a single emotive ounce of care or compassion, not even a thought enough to pray for God to intervene.

Yeah the days are Evil Jesus said.

During 911 where were you when the lights went out?

1: At the game?

2: At the bar ?

3: At Church… The prophetic, charismatic?

4: No really…  at your neighbors house?

With his wife?

5: with your head stuck in the political sand box of some polite- ition  oxymoron top of 100!

My brother; Joel says the masses will never wake up!  He’s right but my Bible says yes they will when the signs in the heavens are such that men’s hearts will fail for the terror that is about to come upon them!

If  these things don’t matter to you, don’t be surprised when your day comes and nobody cares about you either.

WHO am I kidding right…. nobody who fits this catagory would ever read this post either!



Hubert Rondeau

Intro: The Palace, like Storm here is what I could find of this book

A worthwhile read though part is missing, and will probably never be found. The thing about Fibromyalgia,TBI and PTSD, they wreak havoc on every aspect of the ‘person’ who suffers with them, I may have mentioned that my last book “The Rock.” seems to be gone forever without a single trace.

I loved writing the Palace, It may have been my best work ever, Lord forgive me for loosing my gifts before you could use them.

The Palace 1

Cristal Elizabeth Lee, a delicate slight but beautiful child, her long red hair flowed in the breeze as she played by herself in the garden. Happiness flowed everywhere she went as she beamed like the sun, everyone around received the glow and the warmth of her childlike love. Innocence and grace personified purity and sweetness abounding Cristal traveled places where no man could ever go, not that they could not go but the gates and doors were closed to most. Closed by unbelief, pride and rebellion against the purity of a childlike heart, that believes. Today she was in the Palace, and the streets were paved with Gold. Clear as crystal, and like glass but gold. As she looked about her she saw the emerald rainbow above the throne of God, she saw the creatures and heard the voices of Heaven which if a grown man heard would likely stop his heart for fear of what would become of him. Cristal was not afraid, the innocence of her heart made her steadfast, and she knew this was home, although she could only visit for now but someday she would come and stay for ever. She looked and saw the two trees in the garden, looking further on she saw the tree that stood on both sides of the River. She sat on the grass next to the water and she beheld as in the mirror her long red hair, and slender form. A form approached, Cristal arose and bowed down to receive him, “My Sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me and I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; Her eyes lite up as she beheld Yeshua , beaming now Cristal whispered,”You are so beautiful!” The sound of her voice rang through out the heavens like a warrior cry, and thundered across the landscape of glory. Cristal quickly covered her mouth and shrunk down as the King of all glory laughingly held her in his arms. Not daunted she whispered more softly “I love you, so much Jesus I love you with all my heart.” Yeshua continued as he held her, “Neither shall anyone snatch them out of my hand.” “My Father, who has given them to me is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of my fathers hand.” “I and my Father are one.” She opened her eyes and found herself laying on the lawn next to the house, Smiling she rose to her feet and ran off into the garden singing of the everlasting love of God.

Author: Hubert Rondeau


As she sang and danced Cristal began to calm down and eventually sat along the edge of the garden picking a few small flowers which she intended to bring in to her mother. A shadow came over her as she picked the last bright blue flower before she could get away Cristal heard the deep growling voice crying “I got you this time!” She screamed and sprang forward but to late the infamous tickle mom-ster had her in her clutches and Cristal succumbed to a round of furious tickling and laughter until both were exhausted. “I heard you singing sweetheart, and I heard you talking to Jesus too, I’m glad you can talk to him.” “You don’t believe in Jesus Mom, why should that make you glad?” “It’s time for supper baby come to the house we’ll make something special to eat, “Like what flattened blue bell soup?” “Maybe, or maybe some roasted dinosaur steak.”

After supper and a story Cristal in bed her mother went to her bedroom chest, picking up the portrait of her husband captain Charles Edward Lee the third. She gazed into the frame trying with all of her might to bring the portrait to life. It was a photo, a paper impression of a man whom she seemed to have lost somewhere some time within this dream called life. Alley sat on the edge of her bed as she brushed out her long red hair, between mother and daughter, Alley, and Cristal were as close to identical in looks as one could imagine both stunning in beauty and simple elegance.

Six am the next the morning the telephone rang, “Hello,” Alley answered. “Hi Alley,” a strained voice on the other end, “My ship is in Port can you come and get me or should I take a cab?” “Cristal honey, time to wake up, Daddies in port we need to go pick him up.” “Daddy?” she sprang out of her bed and ran to her closet pulled out her favorite dress and poured herself into it jumping to stand at attention before her mother saying ready sir! Ma’am!” the drive to the dock was filled with glee for Cristal, but silence and deep solemnity for Alley. She felt the agony of a heart grown cold from abandonment and loneliness, and the cause of that loneliness was about to enter her space. Alley and Charles were childhood sweethearts but Charles had run off with another, not a woman but with the oceans of the world he was a man of the sea. And Alley couldn’t come close to his heart any longer.

As they drew near the Pier Cristal saw her dad and ran with glee screeching Daddy!Daddy! its me Cristal, Captain Charles Edward Lee turned and looked at his little girl with lifeless eyes and no warmth what so ever. Cristal’s little heart sank as she approached him remembering this is the stranger who she always fondly dreamed of as her Daddy. When she got close, heart breaking she shook his hand saying, “welcome back ‘Sir.’”

The drive home was tense in extremes, none of the three spoke a word, all were strangers now and none could wait for the visit to end. It was a three day lay over and finally the third day came when Charles boarded the ship, Alberta Storm once again.

Author: Hubert Rondeau


The Palace 3


Captain Charles Lee boarded the Alberta Storm with determined stride and rigid posture, shoulders back eyes level cold sober and set jawed He looked more like a marine than a cruise ship Captain. Alley and Cristal returned home, another quiet ride where they both had entered a different realm. Alley thought almost against her own will of Peter in Joppa, Peter was praying on top of Simon the tanners house where he was in a trance, a trance in the new testament Lord?” A trance what does that mean she thought. The pain of the last three days still fresh they drove into the drive and went inside. The Ship had set off and was on the open sea, as Charles came out of his cabin. Walking up the deck to starboard side he leaned on the rail looking longingly out to sea, while taking his Bible, some photographs of His wife and daughter and a plastic bag from his jacket pocket. Looking over his shoulder Charles slipped his wedding band from his finger placing each item into the bag he closed it and leaned out over the rail. “You are a f f fool Mister!” With a simple turn of his hand the Bible, the ring, the bag was gone, and Charles was left facing his vocal assailant. “I should trow you overboard too!” Alley and Cristal gasped simultaneously both had seen the event as though present, “Mom, Daddy just threw,” I know honey I saw it too.”

Port was first mate on the Ship, Port was a 6’4″ 260 lb man of iron, his father was a monster in every regard, a blacksmith from Italy, a man who could break an anvil. Unknown to any was the fact that Charles Edward Lee the 2nd had rescued Port from the hand of his father who was accustomed to torture the boy when ever his demons manifested, and Port would receive the penalty of his fathers torment. On the day it happened Charles was walking past the blacksmith’s shop when he heard the commotion, seeing some of what was happening he went in and stopped the man from beating his son with an outstretched arm of power which stunned the blacksmith. “No man has ever done that to me before he growled.” “Who are you?” Charles Edward Lee. I am the captain of that ship,” He pointed to the sea nearby, “If you would kill your son then give him to me and I will raise him and make a sailor of him but I will not let you beat him.” The boy was jerked off his feet by his father and roughly thrown into the arms of Captain Lee. Several weeks later Lee realized that this boy was not going to speak, “What is your name son?” If you won’t answer me I will call you Port. I will teach you and you will become a ship’s master.

Port shouted at his Captain “You are a fo owl!” I should throw you overboard too!” The two men face one another don’t you know what you are doing!” “I am the Captain!” I know what you are “SIR!” But you are a fool!” Alley stood walked to her desk took the photo of her husband and said with tear filled eyes, baby he is lost at sea, your Dad is lost at sea.” All the while, While Charles stood along the rail scriptures flooded his soul likely with the same torment as had flooded Ports father many years before. He ‘was lost at sea.’ Port shouted into his face, “That book you threw and overboard say that you must choose! And you chose like a fool chooses! Your father and Grand father did not want you to be on the sea! But they prayed for you to be a man of God and a minister of his word!” Charles Looked at Port he screamed “What did you just say! enraged he screamed again, what did you just say?” “You have God who lives in you! noblesse oblige! Nobility is obligated to act like nobility! and you do not belong on a boat!”

Captain Lee began to think and turned into his own heart, it really wasn’t the sea which he loved, it was a vacant dream of becoming a fleet owner, and all this time he’d let his heart grow cold to his true love and his first love, walking a path which he’d believed to be what his father wanted of him. “Your father put you on this boat with a command that you stay on it, but it was a foolish hope that you would become sick of the sea, and lonely for your wife, turn your back on it all and go home, go home and follow the God of the book you just threw away, with your family!” I was to tell you long ago but I didn’t believe and I didn’t say what your father commanded of me.

Charles, stunned now looked at Port and with one powerful thrust leapt over the rail plunging into the ocean.

Author: Hubert Rondeau

The Palace 4

Charles Edward plunged into the sea, and disappeared under the surface of the water. “Man oberrr – oov – bo- rd!” Port yelled as he clambered over the rail and plunged into the water as well. He turned himself in circles calling to Charles until he finally spotted him just feet away from where he had gone in. “Are you crazy? You will be court marshaled!” “I know your Father taught you that a captain never… mid sentence he stopped simply looking at Charles who by now was right next to him. “I know Port, but what does a man live for? Why are we here? It’s insane or I am insane, one or the other!” “Where is your heart Captain, tha’s wat you need to know!”

Miraculously the crew of the ship heard Ports shout they put the ship to anchor and began to release a life boat but the unexpected happened, Port suddenly knew that he was a target, his body became rigid as he froze. Charles had no sooner stopped yelling than his body was drawn down and simultaneously slammed into the hull of the ship by some massive form unseen. Port knew this was to be how he died, the killer whale was playing with him it dove down into the ocean turned and jumped out of the water with him in it’s mouth like a Trout jumping for a horse fly. Down again water engulfing him, lungs burning mind reeling and soul begging to a God he now realized he believed in, up again, and release. He was free, the whale turning its attention to Charles appeared uninterested and disappeared but only for a moment, and Charles knew he was next. In one terrifying everlasting second he was inside of the whale’s mouth as it came from below and took him fully into its mouth and tossed him into the ships hull before swimming off leaving its two victims to what ever fortune the sea would allow.

The Life boat hit the water manned by three deck hands who first pulled Port in then rowed over to Charles, whom the expected to be dead. The blood in the water and the deafening silence all about set the scene for mourning, the mourning of a man they all honored and loved. They brought the boat next to his body, Port reached down taking Charles into his arms, pulling him into the boat. “He’s still alive! I saw his chest move he’s alive, they signaled for the men on board to bring them up. Port attended to Charles. There wasn’t a tooth mark on Port, but Charles had several deep wounds and would need help fast. Once aboard the ships Doctor began to work on his wounds where he was, not wasting a moment. Port stood by his Captain, there were some new feelings flooding his heart now, things he didn’t know much about, like the choked off feeling as though he wouldn’t be able to breathe, and his eyes filling with tears like they did the first few times his father vented his rage on him as a child. Port kneeled next to Charles. “ang on sir, h-a-ng on you’ll make… you hafta make it…..Charles turned his face to him, opened the one eye that was visible, and smiled at his friend and servant.

Author: Hubert Rondeau

The Palace 5

Charles Edward was in the ships infirmary, Port entered the room standing close to his bed he watched as Charles began to stir, eyes still closed Charles felt a familiar sensation on his left hand, slowly reaching over with his right Charles turned his wedding band on his finger. His eyes shoot open as he remembered that he threw the ring over board. “Mark,” he raised his hand to his friend and first mate then looked at the photo’s of his wife and daughter, on the stand next to his Bible, then back at Port. Port turned his head and nodded toward the woman sitting in the chair next to the window, head down, and graciously she sat. She’s been here every day sir. “Mark,” “Captain?” “Mark, th-hose photos were not framed because I kept them in my Bible.” Port nodded toward the woman, Lynda Walsh, was the Dinning room manager on-board, when ever the ship was asail she was there too. Port spoke again as he nodded to her, she put the frames on the pictures, she found your things on the skiff when they pulled us back on board.” “Mark, take the pictures out of the frames and return them to her please, then ask her to leave my room. This woman is a woman in want, she is a trap posing grace but not possessing it. She has done this to snare me with her kindness.” Port looked at Charles he had never realized that Charles knew Lynda’s ploy but he himself had discerned her heart many time in the past. “Yes sir.” Port took the photos from the frames and brought them to Lynda asking for her to please leave as the captain wished to be alone. Lynda rose to her feet, walking close to his bed Charles saw the truth come forth in her eyes as they went from hopeful concern to disdain.

“Mark, Come closer, help me up.” “Captain, should you be getting up yet?” “Mark, I can get up if you help me, just help me to sit up for a few minutes.” Port leaned over and gently raised his master to a sitting position wrapping his arms around his shoulders and lifting his upper body until he was seated upright. “Sir?” “Yes My friend, thank you it feels so good to sit up again.” Port smiled at Charles it was the first time he’d ever seen him down, and Charles although the Captain of the Ship and in full charge, was more so a man of dignity and grace. “Mark, listen to me,” “Yes sir,” I want you to go down to the ships store and buy me a pair of Wrangler jeans, and a cotton tee-shirt.” Port laughed, “Captain, sir, have you?’ “No Mark I have never owned a pair in my life, but blue jeans deserve more dignity and grace, because they are the class of class.” Port laughed wildly at Charles remark saluting, and shouting,”Yes Sir, Sir!”

As port left the room to fulfill his new mission Charles drifted back in time to his wedding day.

Noblesse – oblige, – nobility’s obligation. He entered the cathedral from the east side, as Alley entered from the west. Trumpets sounded and played as he marched with all masculine elegance and grace to the alter his betrothed bride marveling from across the room. when the trumpets ceased, it was her turn in the tradition of the wedding march. They joined hands and locked eyes gazing deeply into each others hearts. The Pastor began Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today, IN THE SIGHT OF GOD!” to unite this couple in HOLY, matrimony! The preacher preached all of the book of Ephesians to the audience explaining the purpose of God in life, and in eternity, and in marriage from the words of Paul when he finished preaching, he asked whether Charles and Alley were in agreement with the great Apostle, and when they said yes sir, the preacher began to lead them through the vows. Charles began to tear ass he remembered that he had forgotten his Alley trading his treasure for an empty passion which his heart could never possess not being a passion of God.

Author: Hubert Rondeau

The Palace 6

Back in the infirmary again Port brought the Jeans to Charles who by this time was standing shakily before the mirror inspecting what were visible of his wounds. “Look at these holes in my body Mark!” “Yes sir, Jonah would be envious sir, they laughed as he turned and slowly walked over to the bed again. “I haven’t seen Doc Parson Mark have you?” “No sir I haven’t seen him today at all, I can look in the chapel, maybe he is there.” Doc Parson was the Chaplain of the ship as well as the Doctor on board; most of the ship’s crew had long ago forgotten his name and most called him Doc, Preacher, or Father.

Many times when Charles was younger he’d heard his Father reprove him for his lack of faith in a God who acts, and still moves stones always pointing him to the veracity of the cross, and the full atonement of Jesus sacrifice as the sole means of entry into the eternal and the everlasting kingdom of God. “Why is there death, sickness, and evil in this world were always the Chaplain’s retorts, and Charles the 2nd always pointed him back to the garden of Eden and the immaculate creation of God in the beginning. Why then was their sin so bad, why, all they’d done was eaten some fruit! “Well I’m not so sure if it’s so much that they ate the fruit, as that they partook of a knowledge which was to bring death and sin into a perfect world,” his dad would say and the two always ended the conversation there Chaplain Parson would not venture to go on, and Captain Charles would always respect a man even though he knew there was far more to the story than most men dared to ask or think.

Standing next to the bed he took off the robe he’d been dressed in and slowly and methodically pulled on the tee-shirt, it was a strange feeling for him as he’d never owned such a garment in his life and always wore proper clothing befitting an officer; as he began to inspect the Jeans he noticed the swelling in his legs but determined that this was the day Captain Charles Edward Lee would for the first time don denim and lose himself in the normal world of men.

Morning came over the Eastern horizon it was the most glorious one Charles could ever remember, he felt like he had received a new life, and was anxious to live. “Morning Captain,” The strong voice resonating deep within, Charles turned to face his Friend. “Mark, glad your here, let’s go to breakfast.” “Yes sir.” Port was troubled as he walked silently next to Charles, the two men walked with identical stride and posture other than Charles slight limp. “Did you find Dr. Parson last night Mark?” “No sir, but I am sure he will be at breakfast.” They sat opposite one another and began to visit while waiting for the waitress to bring coffee, and a menu. “Captain, why have you been calling me Mark these past few days?” Charles looked up at him, “Mark is a good name my friend, Mark is the name of the writer of the ‘book of Mark’, and Mark traveled with the great Apostle Paul.” “But captain, my name is Port, I have no other name! I don’t remember if I have ever had a name, my father called me boy.” “What about your family name, you must have a sir name.” “Yes sir I must but I don’t know it all I knew was boy, and ” the blacksmiths boy,” no name, I never heard any name just boy.” “Port, I would like to give you Mark for a name, Mark is a noble name and you are a noble man.” “When we come to port in three days, I will go home to my family, but you must go to my Father, and tell him what has happened, and that we will no longer be piloting the Storm.” Port looked at Charles how, after three weeks in the hospital bed did he know they were three days from port? Charles smiled at his companion, ” A man of the sea knows the sea from the floor to the wave and he knows when the land is approaching by the waves in his bones.” “Yes sir,” Port laughed, he knew it was true he was a man of the sea as well, and the waves told him of the day. “When you see my father you must tell him what happened, and you must tell him that I will be a man of God.” Port looked again at him. “sir shouldn’t you go to him yourself?” “No Port, I am banished from his sight you were there you heard him.” “Yes sir, but this is what he wanted for you he will accept you now.” “Yes, but you need to tell him and he will know it’s true.” “When I return to the Ship, I will bring you with me and we will start a new life and a new mission.” Port remained quiet, as the waitress brought them coffee, the stillness was defining, like the calm before the storm. Charles Edward Spoke one more time before they began to eat and both became lost in the morning glory of the rising sun, “My friend I will show you a new thing, something you have never seen, ‘dust in the wind on a hot August da…….

Author: Hubert Rondeau

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The Palace 7

The Alberta Storm docked and the passengers disembarked with Charles in the midst. descending the plank his eyes caught some movement just above on deck, Lynda had come to see him off, Charles took no notice of her but proceeded onward to dry land. Taking a cab the driver shuttled him to the Penny thrift store a few blocks from his house. Paying the driver, he got out with his things and began up the street headed for home. Charles walked briskly, heart pounding in his chest as though it would explode. He saw a man about his age on the edge of the walk stopped and gave the man his captain’s hat,shoes, and uniform. Charles was more thankful to give than the man was to receive, and both smiled loving that form of grace which only God himself can pour into and out from the hearts he has created.

Alley stood at her bedroom bureau she looked into the mirror a strange feeling in her soul, a feeling she knew was not good, no not at all. Raising her hands in front of her she took her wedding band between thumb and forefinger turning it on her finger. Saddened by what appeared to be just another day Alley brushed out her hair dressed and went into the kitchen. “My you are up early this morning sweetheart.” “I am ready for school momma!” Alley kissed her baby good-bye as she went to the door, “daddy’s coming home today momma don’t forget Daddy’s coming home, I love you bye.” Cristal ran up the street and disappeared around the corner.

Alley hadn’t heard what she’d said, she went back into the house pausing on the way to pick a flower as she thought of the bouquet she wore once upon a dream of time when she and Captain Charles were married. Walking in to the house Alley remembered the vows they had taken, and the way the preacher had summed up the words of Paul in Ephesians words about eternal life, and marriage words words words she thought but a man can get lost at sea. Walking by her window as she went to retrieve her Bible from his pillow Alley saw a sight, a strange sight out the bedroom window. Turning to look it was a man about her husbands stature and he was coming up the walk way. Alley ran to the door and pulled it open as he was about to knock. She stood amazed, shaking and scared, looking into his eyes. “Captain?” Charles smiled softly. “Captain, is that you?” He held out his hand, she took it, tears flooding her eyes, she knew he was home. “Welcome home Captain” They embraced both crying with heavy but thankful hearts. Alley led him inside closing the door behind them. “Captain Charles Edward Lee, she said with a smile that couldn’t be contained, and joy that was in expressible “You’re home!”

She looked him over “What happened, you must have been eaten by a whale like Jonah!” Alley raised his tee shirt,looking at the bandaging around his waist and the puncture wounds on his hands and face. “Alley, I almost lost you! I am so sorry!” She turned to him putting her hands on his cheeks and kissing him with the same love she’d ever had for him. “I didn’t dare believe this day would come baby, I thought you were lost at sea forever, “My God I couldn’t pray anymore! But God is faithful even when we are not and you have come home.”

Author: Hubert Rondeau


The Palace 7:2

Charles and Alley had been seated close together on the couch as he told her what he knew of the deadly attack he’d survived. Alley leaned against his side pressing against him with enough weight to cause him to cringe and pull away. Alley, looking at his eyes saw the pain. “Come with me captain,” she took him by the hand and lead him into the bed room. “I want to see these wounds right now.” She sat Charles down and began to help him off with his shirt. “You have never worn jeans in your life, this is something new.” Taking off his jeans Alley had full view of every bruise, puncture wound and mark on her husbands body there were more bruised areas than unbruised as Alley began to test, and survey most were without pain at all but not an attractive view. When she came to his abdomen she, bringing her head closer said, “Who bandaged you up Charles, this looks like the work of a woman.” Charles began to laugh as her finger traced over the only ticklish spot on his whole body. Alley pulled her long red hair over to the other side of her head as she looked over and grinned at him remembering the times of discovery when they were first married and on their honey moon. Charles laughed again when she asked, “who – bandaged you up like this Mister?” Alley continued her inspection further recounting the secrets of their intimacy and the treasures which God had allowed them to share as husband and wife. The morning vanished in a secret rapture and after noon was soon drawing away. The door suddenly burst open as Cristal ran into the room shouting “Daddy!” She launched herself onto him, and Charles’ nearly went into convulsions. Cristal had noticed the bandaging and the cuts, but once into the launch it was too late. “What happened, Captain Jonah did you get bitten by a whale?” Charles, Alley, and Cristal laughed at first but then Cristal began to cry as her dad held her closely, and told her briefly what had happened.When she settled down her mind and thoughts changed to inquisition, She screwed up her face in a curious gaze,”Why are you naked?” It wasn’t that she could see his complete form he was covered with a blanket. “Well honey your momma was looking at my bandages, and bruises, and….” “W- w- why is she naked then?” Charles turned his face quickly to Alley, “ah – oh honey I will tell you later okay?” “Well I have homework to do so I am going to my room, she stepped away from the bed and said further, “I will leave you two alone to make lo – ve or what ever you want to do.” As she left the room she turned back smiling and waiving locked the door and was gone. Alley and Charles burst with laughter and bewilderment. Alley cuddled on his shoulder again and they both fell asleep in the delight of the arms of love.

Author: Hubert Rondeau

The Palace 8

Alley and Charles lingered in each others arms but it was time to get up, she watched his movement as he sat on the edge of the bed and began to dress. Alley walked over held him tightly, “My poor baby, so this is how you’ll move when you are in your 90′s?” He smiled up at her, “It might be honey but, but…” Charles stood up and slowly walked across the room to the bureau, picking up the photo from their wedding day, looking at it he turned to Alley in wonder and thankfulness, thankful that she was who she was, and that she had stayed faithful through the years he’d been lost at sea.

Alley put her arms around him again and asked about the bandages and whether it was a wom…. she couldn’t finish the word. For the third time Charles laughed making Alley very uncomfortable. He took her to the bed and they sat down on the edge, as Charles explained. “Alley Doc Parsons was the only person who touched me, the bandage work is his. The reason I laughed is that when we were three days from shore, and he knew I would live Doc Parson disappeared and it took Port two days to find him.

When I was in bed those three weeks Parson was a captive audience, Port says that I preached from Genesis to Revelation to him daily, Port said that I would quote verses like a water fall, and then stop and explain them to the good doctor until he would get angry and leave only to come back later and finish bandaging or what ever he had to do with me.” “Charles laughed again as he continued with his story ” On the day he disappeared I for the first time ever put on a pair of jeans, I had sent Port to buy them in the Ships store, and when he returned I got dressed and asked whether he’d seen the Doctor, Port and I slowly walked down to breakfast and Port said he would look for Doc since he didn’t show up. The next day as he walked on the starboard side close to the railing Port heard a distressing sound from over the side of the ship, looking over the rail he spotted Doc Parson laying drunk amongst several bottles of Old Port wine. It seems that all my preaching had caused an overload to his system and he couldn’t cope. Port called for the skiff to be brought onboard and washed out, and he guided Doc to the showers, cleaned him up and took him to his room.

“Alley if a man is going to confess Jesus Christ as Lord, and if he is going to preach the Gospel of God it’s best he know the Lord and that gospel which he’d profess to preach. I told Doc a lot of things he’d never dreamed of and pointed him to the word of God and where to find the things I had told him, it’s the only way to preach because God has to draw men and we must be sure that we point out the direction when they are looking.

Woe to the men and women who point to a man, or a system doctrine or form. ‘they will go through -fire – in the end.” Alley smiled eyes opened wide,

“Oh, captain! You are back!”

Author: Hubert Rondeau

The Palace 9

Dressed and in the kitchen to make supper Charles and Alley worked together continuously getting into each others path bumping into one another stealing kisses and squeezes here and there as the went about in preparation with more joy than they had had in their first years together. Not that Charles was ever less than a man, or loving, but now he was more alive and a soothing pleasure to be near.

A knock came on the door, Charles being closer opened it to see three uniformed men standing before him. “I’m Steven Blackstone investigating officer for the Port authority, are you Captain Charles Edward Lee of the Alberta Storm sir?” Charles looked over his shoulder as Alley put her arm around his waist, so unlike him Charles hadn’t put his shirt back on and now stood before the three officers, two Port authorities, and one coast guard shirtless his bandaging bruises, and puncture wounds evident to them all. “I am Charles he replied, what can I do for you gentlemen?” Steven Blackstone responded we are here to ascertain whether you as captain of the Alberta Storm did indeed abandon ship some four weeks past on the open sea.” Charles was not one easily shaken simply softly and gently he spoke and said. “Officer, I left port in charge of the ship and returned to port six weeks later in charge of the vessel.”

The two men behind Steven became edgy but Steven held his posture Sir do you know whether there are entries into the captains log pertaining to the events of this voyage?” “Yes officer, there are, although I had been planning to retire, my position as Captain and have as yet to complete the log to date.” The Port officer an admiral indicated by bars looked to Alley, and Cristal as he re phrased his question. You say that you are the Captain have you evidence there of sir?’ Steven seemed to have been overcome by some thought and suddenly said, “You left port in charge, and you returned to port in charge Sir?” “Yes, that is true.” The Admiral began to write on his dossier furiously, when he’d finished he looked up at Alley with a gentleman’s smile, then to Charles, “Sir, I assure you that the investigation is hereby and forthwith to be terminated, and all proceedings and charges dropped.” Steven pulled the Captains log out from his dossier returning it to Charles saying, “Captain Lee sir you might want to update the Ships log before you sign it off and turn it in. Good day sir, ma’am he bowed slightly turned and walked past the other officers to the car in which they had come.

When the other two men recovered from their shock they turned and walked off as well. Once in the car the Coast guard officer, quite agitated by the outcome of the supposed arrest began to sternly question the Admiral. “There is a very large rift at times between authority, and wisdom my friend, today wisdom has prevailed! The Captain was in charge at departure, and upon return so it is and so it is done!” The three men began the treck back to port authority; driving along the street Charles had walked days earlier Steven saw the man Charles had given his uniform to, laughing within his own heart he knew he had made the right choice regarding the court-martial and the man.

Author: Hubert Rondeau

The Palace 10

Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time, for which I was appointed a preacher and an apostle – I am speaking the truth in Christ and not lying a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth.

I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting; in like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing, but, which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works. Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. Nevertheless she will be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control.

Alley looked up from the words of Paul the Apostle which she’d been reading, “Captain,” she spokes softly to her husband, “why do you suppose that women in this day and age so rebel against the words of Paul, why do they dress as they do and why do so many want to be in the positions of Authority?” “Alley don’t you think it’s because they see themselves, not the word of God? What I mean is they divide themselves unto their own thoughts, desires and ambitions, they set themselves up as judges of the word of God. They do not believe that God has indeed specifically designed them, as Paul said, the woman was made for the man not the man for the woman.” “If Paul was an Apostle, and if he was qualified to write Scripture, as most of Christendom believe – then of necessity Paul is to be heard, when a man is heard right actions follow. ‘In the Hebrew language hear hear means hear obey.’ So it has become that none of the specific guidelines set out by the Lord and the Apostles stand un-tried these days, but they will stand in the end and many men and women will find themselves to in opposition to the eternal and the Holy on the last day
As they gathered up a few things for their day’s planned adventure Alley, and Charles walked Lizzy to school then continued down the walk to the streets of the city. Charles held Alleys hand and with a smile he spoke aloud as though a crowd were there to hear, “And without controversy great is the mystery of Godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, Justified in the Spirit, Seen by angels, Preached among the gentiles, Believed on in the world, Received up in Glory. Now the Spirit expressly says that in the latter times some will depart from the faith, giving – heed – to deceiving spirits and teaching of demons.” “This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance. For to this end we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God.” Alley held his waist as they walked side by side greeting whom ever would venture to speak to them. Not far into their journey they came upon the man Charles had given his uniform too, he was seated next to the wall of an old building. When he saw Charles he jumped to his feet, “Morning Captain, he saluted and bowed to Alley, ma’am.” “Sam, My name is Sam Captain, and I was thinking Sir that I can’t keep this hat, I believe the Lord wants you to keep it for his own reasons, and I know he wants me to give it back.” Charles took the captains hat from his hand, it was surprisingly clean with only a few minor scuffs and stains. Charles thanked Sam and promptly put the seaman’s cap onto his head bowing and saluting his new mate. As they walked on Alley asked about Sam Charles told her all he knew, but said there is a lot more about that man than we yet know Alley, did you see his eyes? Jesus said the eye is the window of the Body, that man is full of light.

Author: Hubert Rondeau

The Palace 11

Day four dawned it was the day Charles would meet Mark on the ship. He was stiff this morning as he rose to sit on the edge of the bed, Alley laid facing him as she watched him getting up smiling, she knew this was her dream, this was all she had ever really hoped for just to have he husband home with her, ‘to have and to hold until death us do part’ as the vows they had spoken. She reached up and pulled him back down onto his pillow for a few more minutes of cuddling and sweetness before both got up to begin the day with love and grace. “It’s your kindness Lord that leads us to repentance, Charles began to sing, your mercy Lord that breaks a heart of pride, your beauty Lord that pours your love about us – your love is b-e-t-t-e-r your love is better than life.” “Your mercy is my hope strength and shield, Alley began singing where Charles had left off. Your l-o-v-v- e everlasting your grace pure and strong oh my hearts rejoices in your love in my song beautiful, beautiful love my song, my song.” “It’s your kindness Lord that leads us home.” Cristal came from her room, “I heard singing it was you two I never heard you sing before.” Alley kissed her good morning and sat her at the table for breakfast.

After breakfast they headed for the dock it was time to pick up Mark from the ship. They were quiet as they traveled toward the dock each one remembering previous trips before and each one glad for the change God had brought into their lives. On board Mark, Port as he was known to everyone else stood in anticipation of Charles arrival. Charles Began to ascend the plank for the final time, Alley and Cristal Elizabeth walking next to him on either side. He wore his normal captains attire other than the Jacket he’d given away four days earlier. His shirt crisp and bright, he seemed like a man of nobility and elegance. Mark met them and the four began to visit on deck Charles knew that His friend would not be coming back with them when first he saw him, he saw that this was indeed Ports place. Port kneeled down to face Cristal and spoke in his rough voice while shaking her hand gently, “My name is Port, I expect you be Miss Elizabeth, Welcome aboard the Alberta Storm it is my honor to meet you.” Cristal looked into his gentle eyes, “I saw you in a dream last night, she focused more closely into his eyes, you were at Gods throne with a large group of people whom you had brought with you from the earth, all of them were so full of joy and shouting thanks to God, But you were like a prism of light and God’s glory beamed through you like a river of light. I could see your heart, your heart flowed with a kind of life that no man from earth could ever describe.” Port looked up at Charles and Alley, then back to Cristal, he paled as Charles had never seen him do so before acknowledging Cristal and her dream knowing the dream was from Gods heart, he had dreamed it too.

Author: Hubert Rondeau

The Palace 11:2

Port raised himself to his feet and bowed to his youngest guest inviting her to come as the four of them made their way to the captains quarters. On entering Charles immediately noticed his belongings neatly stacked in bunches on the table. He grinned with approval knowing that his first mate had succeeded him as Captain. Alley walked over to the marble mantel piece in the center of the room and stared at the portrait on the wall above as Charles and Port joined her. It was a marvelously painted portrait of Charles himself which Port had commissioned in honor of him. “Your father rescued me from the arms of my father Captain, he has given me charge of this vessel but you will always be my captain sir.” Port stood at attention and saluted Charles which was the undoing of his emotions his eyes welled up with tears and his throat closed up so that he couldn’t speak. Charles hugged his first mate with all his strength tears flowing freely between them both they knew the roads of life would now divide the two men who had rarely been separated for many many years. “Your father rescued me from my father, and gave me a new life out here on the ocean. I tried to come ashore, but the sea is my home now Captain, and I know that this is where I am to be as Paul said in Philippians, that God puts in us both to – will – and to work for his good pleasure. As he has made the earth and all that is in it, he has no need of seeing the oceans through my eyes but I am sure it is his pleasure to do so. As they visited a knock came upon the hard wood door Port walked over and opened it to find the Port authority officer standing with Charles daily log in hand. He brought it forward and presented it to Charles indicating that it must be updated before he left the ship. Charles excused himself and sat at the familiar desk near the Starboard side of the room he quickly began to write while port, Alley, and Cristal went on tour of the Ship. As crisp and bright as he was Charles was not a writer, his fingers and hand were about a skilled with a pen as the average medical doctor and it would take a super computer hours to decode three simple paragraphs from his pen. After he’d finished his brief update he handed the log back to the officer who began to struggle through it, several minutes went by before he gave up, asking Charles what he had written. “Well sir, I simply wrote of the Whale attack, and that after I was brought back on board I spent the duration of the voyage in the infirmary under the care of Doc Parsons, while My First mate Port took charge of the ship. I also indicated that the Ships owner Charles Edward the 2nd has now given full charge of the vessel to Port who now is the Captain of the Boat. Hiding his amusement with a grimace the Port authority warden shook Charles hand placing the ships log on the Captains desk he exited the cabin and left the ship. Charles walked the Decks looking for his family he remembered Port’s words, “God has put in us both to will and to work for his good pleasure.” He prayed, ‘”Thy kingdom come, thy will be done Father let it be unto me and unto my family according to thy will, according to thy good pleasure, and let us all be about our fathers business amen.”

Author: Hubert Rondeau

The Palace 12

The ship tour drawn to a close Port, Alley, and Cristal returned to the captains quarters as Charles returned as well. “Well it a big boat and a small world I just spent an hour looking for you all and here you are at last.” “Daddy, this ship is almost like a palace, it’s so pretty, and so huge! Charles wrapped his arm around her yes, it is nice alright maybe some day we can come back and go for a cruise Sweetheart.” “Ahem not on any ship of mine you won’t,” the hair on the back of Charles neck stood up, as ice-cold shivers ran through his blood making his body rigid, he knew that voice, it sounded like his own he knew it must be his father who had spoken from behind him. Charles heart was filled with a mix of dread, and terror, he had been banished from his father’s sight for many years and right now right behind him stood the man he’d loved honored and feared the most, he wanted to hide and he wanted to run but Charles slowly stood and turned to face his father. Turning around his eyes wide and fully alert Charles caught his fathers gaze as he too peered into the heart of his son. Within a twinkling of an eye a flash of a moment’s time Charles senior smiled at his son, eyes softened now to tears he hugged his neck and said “welcome home.” “I have waited for this day for a long time.” Charles was puzzled with the comment, but remembered what Port had said that his father’s heart was for him to be a preacher a man of God not a Sea Captain, and that his hope in banishing him was that he would quickly find that the sea was not his hearts desire but that God, and his Family were. Charles again knew that he had missed it, he had let his heart become bitter and cold rather than letting those longing hours of loneliness wean him from the ocean tides, he didn’t catch the call of God, sometimes a man can get lost at sea.

Charles held his father tightly as his heart seemed to tear apart inside. “I thought you hated me,” “I watched out my window daily for you to come son.” But you sent me away.” “I watched to see in hope that you would soon find that there is no end to the sea, and the lonely longing of the waves in a mans heart, and that for you, for you the fullness of life would not be on the water but in the house of God.” Charles was silent for a moment thoughts of the Palace, thoughts of the kingdom of God, the places he’d seen in prayer, visions, and dreams. He softly replied, “I went the wrong way, I wanted to be like you, you spent most of your life out there,” he pointed to the ocean.”No son, the kingdom of God does not come with observation, it comes from within as Jesus has said. I spent all of my life in the Palace of God, never the less a man can make a mistake and with you it seems I did. You are a man called of God son! Do you not know this?” “I am just me I don’t know anything right now but that I want to serve him and that I have no Idea how to start, and what to do, all I know for sure is that few really know him and that many blaspheme the Lords name because of many of us. If I am o be a man of God, he will have to take my feet and hands because there is no place I’d rather be than with my wife and daughter right now, and God will have to show me what to do if I’m not going to sail.”

Author: Hubert Rondeau


The Palace 12:2

“You are a man called of God son! Do you not know this?” “I am just me I don’t know anything right now but that I want to serve him and that I have no Idea how to start, and what to do, all I know for sure is that few really know him and that many blaspheme the Lords name because of many of us. If I am to be a man of God, he will have to take my feet and hands because there is no place I’d rather be than with my wife and daughter right now.”

Cristal, standing close to her father giggled as though she had been tickled by some unseen hand, she tugged her dads shirt sleeve and motioned for him to come closer. when He did still giggling she whispered into his ear with some difficulty, “Jesus said “Go with what you know Captain.” Having said it she laughed with delight and touched his ear for effect. Charles looked at her with an expression of amazement Cristal always came up with such simple wisdom. he held her with a gentle squeeze and thanked her for telling him what Jesus had said. Morning faded and it was time for the ship to leave harbor, Charles took his family off-board without once looking back, but his father paused to bid Port bon voyage. As they stood Charles Sr spoke to his new Captain, “Port, it’s time we gave you a proper name! From now on your name will be Markham waldo Stantin.” “Yes sir, yes sir Captain Charles has been calling me Mark for weeks now sir.” “Well good then Markham, Mark, Captain Mark it is!” Charles departed the Ship moments before the Storm left Port for open seas.

Charles and his family were headed for home as the approached center street and third Charles noticed a commotion on the roadside. Looking out the side window as he opened it he could hear people screaming at a group of onlookers while waving turn or burn posters at them, his blood turned to ice as he stopped the vehicle nearby and watched in utter diss belief as three men and two women were purportedly ‘preaching the gospel to the lost. To his disdain Charles noticed Sam there and anger rose within his heart as he threw open the car door and began to march with intensity for the entire group. Still dressed in his uniform one might have thought him an official of sorts but that didn’t explain why the street preachers who had been abusing the people about them dropped their megaphones, and placards and ran off furiously, when he closed in on Sam he knew Sam was not in agreement with the others, but couldn’t understand why he dropped to a crouching posture and covered his head like a frightened child. Charles stopped next him, looking at the people he took Sams elbow raising him up without taking his eyes off those who still remained of the crowd. Some what bewildered still Charles looked at Sam, “Why did they run away, and why did you cringe and fall like that Sam, you know me.” “Don’t you know Captain, Don’t you – didn’t a- di-dn-t– there was a a twenty-foot tall Lion right behin -behind you!” Charles smiled looking back seeing Cristal and Alley, he laughed, and began to address the people with an apology for the arrogance and proud abuse they had just suffered, continuing to say that it is the ‘kindness of God that leads men to repentance, salvation and eternal life. The law of commandments has been fulfilled in the cross of Jesus and that his blood, and that cross are his calling cards for all who would to be saved. “People read you bibles! people, don’t let any man be your savior. Jesus Christ came for that sole purpose! Do not be subject to any mans yoke for whomever a man is snared by he is that mans slave, Jesus came that we have life and that more abundantly. read your bibles if you want to know how to be saved read John and Ask for the word of the Lord says that everyone who calls on Jesus will be saved. Charles dropped the Megaphone to the pavement, tore up the posters and looked about him for a defiant protest, when no one objected he called to Sam as he and his family reentered the car with Sam and drove away. As they drove away Charles remembered Hosea 11:10 They shall walk after the LORD: he shall roar like a lion: when he shall roar, then the children shall come trembling from the west.



By Hubert Rondeau

Introducing Storm:


I start at Chapter 18 because the rest was lost, I suffer c chronic pain condition and multiple brain injuries, the main reason for this post is to have the story somewhere where someone might enjoy it when I am gone, if ever I find the remainder I will post it as well, God bless you as you read.

I have written  a four part Novel in this story, but with the brain injury’s and fibromyalgia I often got mixed up tangled up and lost in my own story’s, which is part of the reason why they are not here or published.

If someone would like to dispute that brain injuries are not real, that fibromyalgia is not real they need to look no further than my life.

The loneliness rejection pain and abandonment are more than enough to torture any soul. I’m thankful to the Lord that I have been able to keep it together this long.

The Storm 18 pt 1

Markus, still standing next to the picnic table where he Athena, and Thankful sat, suddenly began to tremble he had been giving his whole heart to them in an attempt to relate the holiness of God. It seemed a futile endeavor for a man of flesh to describe the incredibility and wondrous majesty of such an eternal being who could within the span of one day speak the trillions of stars into place, calling every one of them by name. He thought of the sheer magnitude of the universe which would take billions of light years to cross, as he spoke his mind raced with the things he presented to them all . “You might think it a great impossibility that God has created such a massive place as the universe, but if you can believe that he created the heavens the earth the sun and the moon, it is no greater act of faith to believe than the claims of those who believe that men came from primordial rains on the rocks. Markus began to tremble while he spoke of the Holiness of God, he began to sweat and his mouth dried and became parched he stumbled and stuttered, and was nearly beside himself. “Yahweh – God is- iss- is” he shook like a man about to succumb to severe hypothermia, “He is agggghh Oh God! Ahh! Put your words in my mouth Lord, how can I describe you! All the prophets and Holy men fell on their faces as dead men before you.” As he began to move about uneasily it appeared that he was suffering from some form of Rigor-Mortis Marks became rigid walking and moving his arms like a stick man or a person with a severe muscular dysfunction he began to pant and tears flowed from his eyes. “Oh God, oh God you alone are Holy! Father open my mouth you said open your mouth and I will fill it to Jeremiah but Father here I am I desire to honor you but I am but clay before your face.” How can a man describe you, I have seen many try, and none came close, they always fell off to the side track and ended up rattling on about nothing more the their own doctrine.

Author: Hubert Rondeau

 Storm 18 pt 2

“Satan comes to steal to kill and to destroy he is the enemy of God as he is the enemy of life. His power is in lies as he is the father of lies, with all forms of lies he deceives the people whom Y-H-W-H would save.” “In Eden Satan convinced Eve to Question YHWH and that was all it took for sin and death to enter humanity, and bring death to all mankind. Had they not listened to the serpents lie death and disease would not have entered the world. Once they had eaten from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil doubt, death and sin entered their lives and in order for them to not eat of the fruit of the tree of life and live forever in that state YHWH sent them out of the garden to die; but he left them with the hope of the promise of the cross of his son, he did not abandon them.

In time they began to bear children and the first man to be born on the earth became a murderer, but they continued and did as God had said, “Go forth and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it.” All people up to Noah at the flood, and down until Jesus, and still today are born with the default of Adams sin unto death.” “Jesus came and condemned sin in the flesh” And became the second Adam, the first Adam being a living soul, the second Adam, ‘Yeshua, Jesus,’ becoming a life giving Spirit.”

Of all men born on the earth he was tho only one capable of this task, he being the only man ever to be born free of the sin of the flesh. ‘to understand this you need to know that the life is in the father, that is the seed of life is in the father, and therefore Jesus being conceived of the Holy Ghost had not inherited Adams sin, nor his death.” “He is the author of life, and he transfers us from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of His father and ours.” “How can we not marvel, and how can we not fear before him?” Markus Looked to Thankful, and then to Jared, his chest welled up and tears began to flow from his eyes; “Jared, would you please continue?” Jared stood, and came over to Markus hugging him tightly as Markus sat next to Athena and Thankful.

“It is a fearsome thing to fall into the hands of the living God,” Jared began, “But as Servant said, far better to fall into His hands today when there may be a chance of our repentance and salvation, than to run and strive on with our own ways determined to spurn his holy face!” “There is Salvation by no other name than the name of Jesus Christ and it he who created the world and all that is in it with YHWH God our God. Oh we men of folly! to be such a fragile lot whose lives could be wiped out within the span of a second yet be so proud and arrogant as to believe we are owed, and deserving.” “The Psalms say in one place God is in heaven and we are on earth, and should be devoted to fearing him, this devotion is part of the tabernacle [tent] of David which is the only Tabernacle God will’s to restore.” Jared paused and walked back and forth a few steps,

Author: Hubert Rondeau

The Storm 18 pt 3

Jared stopped speaking, pacing back and forth a few steps he said,”I am a man who has seen affliction as Jacob said when he met the Pharaoh of Egypt, but a lot of my affliction was caused by my own foolish heart!” he looked at Sara, then Markus and continued. ” I knew the word, and I knew the way, I had the privilege of being close to Servant for the greatest part of his life. “Servant taught me so much one day we were just sittin there out behind the shed playin with chainsaws and axes supposin to get up some fire wood for the winter when Servant stumbled onto something that no one has ever really thought about, that is that all mankind are born of sin, and literally -still- born- in the sight of God. And that this is the real reason for the cross. Servant showed me that Jesus was born not of the flesh nor the will of man, nor the seed of man but Jesus was born of the Holy Ghost. And because the life is in the seed and the seed is in the man, Jesus did not inherit death and Jesus Christ was the only live birth ever! All mankind were, and are still today born in this still-born condition, you have to know this is true, because, because Jesus said you must be born again! Born again because unlike him your first birth was due to the physical union of your parents and only flesh. Jesus was never born again because his one birth was fully from the Father in the Holy Ghost.

I guess I want to say that we have been so deceived in this generation of time that we forget how to really think and we believe what ever some preacher says. Servant said “Any Donkey coming to town braying in the name of Jesus will get a following!” God had a plan before the foundation of the world. He has never lost sight of that plan, and he doesn’t need preachers or donkeys to fulfill it! I fought him, and If I could have used my fists I would have because I followed men and not God, I was led away from his holiness, and led into snares like millions of people who follow men today. Servant said take any man, and find a way for him to be completely quiet without any, any distractions of any kind at all for an hour and he will know, he will know that God is, and he will be broken. I fought God, but I was being deceived by people all the time and I knew it, but in the end I saw that I wasn’t fighting God, but He was struggling against my blows to pull me out of the fires of mans deception, as Jesus said “Not every one who says to me Lord, Lord!! and “Many are called but few are chosen.” and “Many deceivers are gone out into the world.”

Author: Hubert Rondeau

The Storm 19 pt 1

Psalm 18: 6 – 7 : In my distress I called upon the Lord and cried out to my God; He heard my voice from His temple, and my cry came before Him even to His ears. Then the earth shook and trembled; the foundations of the hills also quaked and were shaken Because He was angry.

A quiet hush came upon them, moving in like a cloud of mist from across the lake. Zechariah played on the picnic blanket as Tak and Athena sat next to him watching. The quiet persisted and soon became heavier than the air around them, Carlos, Chief Lewis, Markus, each of them all in turn got up and moved together sitting on the ground close to the children. No one spoke it seemed that it would be out-of-place right now. The silence began to boom, “Be still and know that I am God, Be still and know, Be still – be still I will be exalted among the nations.” As the quiet grew more intense it seemed to thunder within their hearts and every eye flowed with tears. The silence grew and seemed deafening as each heart began to break once again, seconds seemed like hours and eternity flooded them with a holy hush and a wave of perfect peace. Annie cuddled her baby close as the Spirit of God continued to quiet every heart. The men were sprawled out on the ground facing down and in communion with God in the depths of their hearts, even Choco Tak’s chocolate Lab coming among them lay quietly and not a bird was heard. Elijah began to remember the garden of Gethsemane, and the words of Jesus “What could you not tarry for one hour?” He knew that it had been an hour since the hush had fallen, he sat up and looked about as the others began to stir and sit up again. It was as though they had all taken a wonderful nap but as they rose although they were happy and smiling brightly they were also deeply humbled and sobered by the Majesty of God.

The Storm 19 pt 2

Brad was sitting back to the picnic table legs pulled up to his chest wrapped within his arms, as he remembered the day he and Annie walked Servant down the hall in the brain trauma center with Annie holding him from one side and he holding Servant from the other. “I can walk” Servant insisted “Okay then you hold us in case we fall,” Brad said. Tears poured from his very soul as he remembered the man who brought Jesus into his Hospital, never had he seen some one with such need who had so much more to give. He remembered how he sat Servant down into his office chair, while he sat on the floor next to his book shelf saying, “Servant, I am a speed reader I have read all of these books from cover to cover and I have never seen anything like what I have seen in your eyes! You came here close to dead you have nothing not even your own cloth’s, I have no needs but compared to you I am destitute!” The tears burned on his cheeks as he rocked to and fro with memories heart breaking memories flowing with tears of thankfulness to God for sending his servant to rescue him. As the intensity began to pass Annie came to Brad hugging him tenderly looking into his eyes, she saw the bitter-sweetness of his heart and knew what he’d been thinking. Since his time in Israel Brad had grown a beard it was hard for Annie to see him like this they had worked closely together in the trauma center for several years and he’d always been clean-shaven. Brad asked whether he could share a few thoughts, and was invited by Maddie to please do so. He stood and moved to one side so that all could see his face at once then began to speak. “I am so thankful he said, “that one day over four years ago a man from Carbon County who’d been brutally beaten for the sake of Jesus Christ was sent to my trauma center in New York. Brad looked over at Dr. Johnston and nodded. Servant came in and changed the course of my life, I guess he changed all of our lives in some way Annie do you remember the first thing he said to me?” “My friends call me Servant, my enemies call me down, and sometimes they knock me down.” “Yes, I hadn’t laughed in years before that day.” Brad stopped he looked over at the mountains in the background then continued,” in the Hebrew language a letter is a figure and a descriptive as well as a letter, so very much like the periodic tables where in H2o describes water, the Hebrew letters describe as well as spell a word, the wonder of this being that the Alpha in Hebrew, the first letter of YHWH’s name is descriptive of him and of his name, but standing alone and by itself is unpronounceable and indescribable. If a Hebrew were to attempt to speak the Aleph he would hold out his hands in expression with his eyes opened wide in wonder but only breath would come forth from his mouth with no audible sound, – indescribable – So our God who breathed everything that is seen into being, creating them of things invisible, is indescribable by those whom he has created in his own image. Why do men not fear and tremble at His name?”

The Storm 19 pt 3

Evening closed in and the cool night air sent everyone inside. Maddie and Elijah were so delighted to have such a house full of love and the sweetness of fellowship with all who had come. Athena picked up Zachariah sweeping him into her arms and waltzed throughout the living room with him while she sang with a beautiful soprano voice, “Lord you are everything to me – you have given me everlasting peace – forever I will sing my praise to you forever you are my life – All that I am or will ever be – all comes from you my Lord this I see – that all I need I find right here with you – you are the shelter from the storm. Through rains and cold you keep me warm – you are the one who lights my way – you are the one that I am looking for – Lord you are the light in my heart each day. Forever I will walk with you – I look for you I seek your face – Lord on my knees I will humbly pray- to you my God – my King – to you my God m i i i i ah King.
A little more shy than Athena Tak came into the centre of the living room, hands in his pockets with a slight shrug of his shoulders. “I- I just want to share som-,” everyone stopped to listen,”I just want to share – to say thank you – but I don’t know what to say because there is so much that I don’t understand; today was such a good day, it was like a dream, and I don’t want to wake up and find it gone.” He began to weep and continued, “Maddie, remember when I stole your Dog?” Maddie cried, ” I remember more when you brought him back,” she held him in her arms and cried even harder. “I was so lonely and he was such a nice dog.” “Honey, he’s been yours now for a long time,” “I know but did I ever say thank you for giving him to me?” Maddie hugged him hard and cried more than before “Oh sweetie! I would have given ten dogs like Choco to have one precious boy like you! You are so precious.” Jared, and Sara joined them and they all hugged and cried with joy. Several times throughout the day Maddie had noticed that Tak wanted to talk to Athena, she knew it would be impossible for him to so much as say hi being as shy as he was, after they had all stood up again she saw him looking at her and said, “I think we should let the children do dishes today ladies what do you think?” With that she led Tak and Athena into the kitchen and got them started it took forever it seemed but Tak finally relaxed some, and by the time they were done they were both singing like Chickadee’s and looking for more dish’s to wash.

Storm 20

Jared became restless Sara saw the far away look in his eyes and instantly became worried it was the same disillusioned look that had taken him into his own wilderness much like the one Nebuchadnezzar had endured in the book of Daniel. “Jared?” she walked close to his side taking his arm and holding his hand, “are you alright baby?” “You look troubled and hurt?” “Sara, I need to walk and be alone with God, I-I need to pray, but don’t worry I’m okay.” He slipped into His Boots gave Maddie a kiss thanking her and Elijah for their kindness turned and said good-bye to all then walked to the door kissing his sweet Sara, “Honey, I’ll just be out walking and praying honest, Something is on my heart and I need to wrestle it out, cause I don’t understand it yet.” Sara looked closer examining his eyes and saw what he was saying. “Honey it’s okay We’ll meet you at home, Tak and I will stay a bit longer.” Athena and Tak were sitting in the middle of the living room with the Baby they were in their own world right now it seemed like they were in a hurry to share everything they’d ever know or done in one breath. Elijah looked out the kitchen window and watched Jared walking slowly across the yard heading for the field. He’s alright,”he turned to Maddie and Sara, “he has a burden he needs to work in out with God.”

Jared had walked to the half mile fence line and stopped to sit on a large boulder, a series of verses from Romans chapter 4 and 5 began to flood his mind. ‘For we who are in this tent groan, being burdened, not because we want to be unclothed, but further clothed, that mortality may be swallowed up by life.’ And ‘While we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.’ And ‘but we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of power may be of God and not of us.’ but even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God should shine on them. And ‘Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. To the one we are the aroma of death leading to death, and to the other the aroma of life leading to life. And who is sufficient for these things? For we are not as so many, peddling the word of God; but as of sincerity, but as from God, we speak in the sight of God in Christ.’ Jared had no rest in his heart,”Lord I know that you see me, and that you know my thoughts I need you God I need you to help me grasp what it is that I am missing because I see that either I see, or that the Church world is near to total blindness. Jesus, who is there in ministry today that preaches the thins Paul preached in Romans 4 and 5, and what about Romans 8 where we pray with groaning too deep for words for that revelation of the manifestation of the sons of God? I know that Satan has so twisted men to create a mountain of false doctrines of your word! But your word is your word and you have raised above all, even above your name. There must be a place, there must be a man of understanding somewhere Lord! There must be a man with a sword who can rightly cut through these deceptions and free the captives.” Jared found himself walking again, as it was getting dark, and he still had a mile to get home. He suddenly realized as he came close to the South West corner of the Reazon Ranch, The North West corner of his farm, that he could hear a deep rumbling sound right under the fence line. Jared came close and straining in the dim light saw a man sized hole in the earth, which wasn’t there a year ago, the last time he’d been here. The sound was louder as he got down to see what this hole was. “My God! There is a River under here!” He reeled back away from the hole when he realized that there had been a lot of wash away and caving in and right where he was there was next to nothing to hold his weight. Jared stood to his feet in bewilderment, and carefully skirted the hole heading for home. The words of Jeremiah came to his mind, “My people have committed two evils, they have left me, the fountain of living water, and hewn for themselves cisterns,’systems’ that can hold ‘no’ water.


Jared had gone about half a mile on his trek toward the House when the fullness of the night arrived and suddenly he was in complete darkness. It wasn’t a bother to him he knew the land so well that it was more entertaining than troublesome. As he continued to walk his thoughts returned to the underground river which he had just discovered and for a moment, another eternal moment he felt the sudden dread of falling into a sink hole which he might not have seen before. Just about that same time he stumbled on a rock ran a few steps to keep his footing just to hear a heart stopping Whooo whoooo whooof in the amount of time it took for his adrenal gland to over load his system with adrenalin to the point that his hair was electrified,and standing up it also shut off as he recognized Choco’s bark. Jared whistled and called his name and Choco came running out to meet him. “Hey boy, you almost had me turnin inside out there partner you shouldn’t scare a guy like that.” The moment his boot heels hit the step Sara opened the door. The look in her eyes told Jared that she had started to get worried. “Aren’t you scared of walking around in the dark like that Mister,” Jared chuckled, well no ma’am I’m not.” “What about that rouge Grizzly just last week?” “Well far as I know he’s still dead!” Sara hugged him close and tight with a loving smile. “Did you and God come to terms on things then?” “Well Honey there are a few things I realized on my part anyway, and one is what Paul said that we are to work out our salvation with fear and trembling, and the other is that it is written in scripture that we are to possess our souls in a patient manner, with the understanding that patience is more than just a virtue it is a guard and a shield, a shield to cover from worry and fear and a guard to keep us from taking up a fight that is not ours; or any kind of issue which is not from God himself honey there is no such thing as a ghad, and Jesus teaches us to lift up holy hands without wrath or doubting, and to pray for all men. Sara smiled and hugged him again, “oh you,” she said I see the light I see the light praise the Lord I see the light!

Storm 20 pt 3

Sara and Jared sat next to each other on the couch, it wasn’t long before they went from sitting to Sara rubbing his back in a vigorous message like manner. within a few moments Jared turned around and began to kiss her and just about that time Tak came out of his room,”Hey Dad, did you kno….” ” Oh ah you two again?” Tak didn’t turn away but came and sat next to his parents, looked at Jared and said did you know, I mean do you know – a – a about the stars Dad? I mean how big they are and that?” “Well I saw stars just a bit ago son, when I was kissing your mom!” “Dad!” “I think I know a bit about stars son but what about Athena?” “Dad!” “I really like Athena, we have a lot in common I just wish we lived closer so that we could really be friends.” “What about those stars son?” They are so big,and so far away that it would take trillions of light years just to get close to one of them.” “Which one son?” “Well VY Canis Majoris, the big dog star is the biggest one they have found in our Galaxy. Some say it would take one thousand four hundred years to fly around it once at the speed of about six hundred miles an hour, but that seems wrong to me,”Jared sat up looking at his son, “Dad they say at that speed the same Jet could fly around the earth in twenty four hours.” “Son, do you know that the universe is only a part of God’s creation, and that he esteems man higher than all his creation?” “No sir I didn’t know that. Proverbs tells about the creation and near the end of the chapter, chapter eight I think it is, it goes on to say that Wisdom, Jesus’s character name if you will for that Chapter wisdom’s delight was with the sons of men.” “Son, God created the entire universe in six days, still he spoke it into being, how big do you think he might actually be? King David said, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made,” I fully believe that for as big as the universe is God has made it in another direction as well that is, within this creation the smallest of the small of creation is equally as staggering and unknowable forever to simple carnal men but God has revealed them to his children by His Spirit.” Tak was troubled, “We are so small, and we really are not all that smart are we Dad?” Son, God gives Wisdom to the humble and the contrite, not worldly wisdom,but His Holy wisdom and He says that the worldly wisdom will never lead any man to salvation, because it is earthly sensual and demonic.

Storm 21 pt 1

In the midst of a dream Jared heard the words of Revelation 13:9-10, “If anyone has an ear, let him hear. He who leads into captivity; will go into captivity; he who kills with a sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patients and the faith of the saints.” “The patience of the saints, Father what can this possibly mean to me he thought as he awoke.” Looking over Sara’s shoulder he saw the clock it was 3am too early to get up he tucked in close to her and tried to go back to sleep but it was not going to work he was wide awake and that verse, ‘the patience of the saints, and killing with the sword, what was that?” Jared got up and went to the kitchen table where he sat with a glass of water. “Patience of the saints – leading into captivity – killing with the sword – My Lord Jesus what is this, I think I know what patience is, oh wait ‘perseverance fits in here too doesn’t it Lord?” Those who overcome until the end will be saved, but then how do theses thoughts tie together. On Patmos John said, “I, John, both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ.” John said that he was on the island for the word of the God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. As he thought his mind began to wander and soon he was back in the ditch with Servant on the night he had been brutally beaten, then he remembered the Hospital, and Doctor Johnston saying, “He wont make it.” and Sara’s anger, “He will make it, I will not let him go!” He remembered going to Manz Trauma Center with Sara and seeing Servant there, and how he had been so bitter in Spirit that He couldn’t stand to be near him and forced Sara to leave and go home. “My were up bright and early today aren’t we?” Sara came into the kitchen and poured a small glass of milk sitting down next to him, “Why are you up at this time of the night,” “Ah honey I was dreaming,” “About what, you never dream. “Well I was dreaming about Revelation Chapter 13:9-10 its about patience and captivity and killing with a sword, and.” “O honey, come back to bed, it will be clear by morning, God wouldn’t give you a dream without bringing you understanding too come.”

Storm 21 pt 2

Morning came to early for Jared he never did really get any rest, “Sara, Tak and I are going over to Maddie’s, would you like to come along?” “Well yes but its only 8 am will they be up?” “I’m sure they will.” As the three came out of their drive in the old Chevy Markus, Athena, and Thankful drove past with happy smiles and waves, well other than Athena and Tak, they were not so excited and looked sorrowfully at one another as they passed by. Athena stared through the window as they went on up the road, Thankful looked at Markus with questioning eyes. Without hesitation Markus pulled the vehicle to the shoulder and stopped. “Athena”, his voice seemed to boom in the stillness of the cab, “how would you like to spend a few weeks with your Grand Mother and Elijah?” He didn’t mention Tak but knew what she was thinking and why she was so saddened ‘they had just met and he was so sweet and … and… Markus turned around and headed back to Maddie’s house. Jared, Sara, and Tak had no more than entered the house when Choco announced Markus’s return. Maddie went to the door with a puzzled look as Athena ran to her asking whether she could stay a few weeks. “Honey, yes,please, please stay!” They laughed and hugged. Maddie went out to talk to Markus; she was delighted to have Athena stay taking her things she kissed him good-bye again and the two drove off heading back to New York, and what was formerly – Prowd – Congregation, probably the only Church in America which had actually been cleared of their name sake with a bull whip by an X cowboy. “somebody’s got to take the Bull by the Horns and get this *****stuff**** outa here! Jesus said my house shall be a house of Prayer! What have you made it into a barn?” Markus smiled as he remembered those few days of adventure and excitement then the season of genuine repentance which washed through the Church beginning that day. As though she knew his very thoughts Thankful said, “Yes but remember the scars it took for you to get that strong.” Markus looked at her with surprise, “I didn’t read your mind but you were thinking about the day you brought your whip to church but Annie told me that Servant had done it before you.” Markus stopped in the same spot as he had just turned around earlier. “What did you just say Servant did what?” “Annie said that one day when he was in the hospital Dr Manz decided to put him back into a coma so that his brain could heal more quickly, he and Annie begged Brad not to do it as she stood at the window of the Hospital and saw all the people going in to the Church across the street, she said to Servant, “lets go to that church, they can pray for healing for you!” “No Annie that’s not a Church,” he said but she insisted and he finally gave in and went with her. So when they went inside the Preacher had an altar call for healing she stood up for Servant to have healing prayer, before she knew what was happening the Preacher seemed to lose his mind she and Servant were drug out the side door and Servant was beaten. Brad ran in seeing what had happened screamed wildly at them all supposing they had killed him ran out the side door to Servant who had gotten up and gone into the Trauma Center taken down the Bull whip from Brads wall display marched into the Church letting loose with a series of cracks that sounded like gun shots, then,then my dear Markus he boldly prophesied of the day that you marched in there and, you know the rest of the story.”

Storm 21 pt 3

Markus and Thankful drove quietly each one seemingly lost in their own thoughts, without warning Thankful began to laugh she laughed until she began to cry then she cried until she began to laugh again, Markus looked at her and she said, “Do you remember the Pine tree and the two doors Markus?” “Yes I remember it took a long time for me to see the doors.” “Oh I saw them right away even before Servant did,” she laughed softly, I was so wrought with fervor for what I had been led to believe was service to God that I was running like a wild person completely out of control, then I met Servant and he was like a rock, he sat at the doors every day and didn’t move, I mean he wasn’t shaken or impressed by anything he knew the truth and stayed with it. One day when I finally began to see that he was something different and something good, I stopped, and watched him, he didn’t do much you know. I sat on the hill across from the two doors and watched his every move until I fell asleep. I didn’t know it but I had rested my head on a patch of tree sap, and it stuck hard, so when I fell asleep my head bobbed and I woke up screaming,trapped hanging by my own hair. Servant came and rescued me, he gently put his hands behind my head and holding my hair firmly pulled me free, the moment his hands touched me, it was all over all the striving I had been bound up in broke away as God’s love and strength flowed from his hands right into my heart that was when I saw the two doors again that’s when began to remember who I was and that in Jesus I could do nothing and it was enough those who have to perform for their salvation will be very disappointed when they meet God because He is not impressed with any performance whatsoever.” “That was the day I changed my name, I was resting on Servants shoulder like a little girl, when he asked my name I said my name is Thankful, because I was so thankful that God allowed me to meet him Markus darling my given name is Ruth.”Markus was saddened with Thankful’s story remembering how he and Servant had been sitting on a hillside on a beautiful after noon when Servant flopped to the ground holding his head with both hands, he wanted to tell her everything that Servant had done for him and that Servant was the reason they met because since his wife’s death he knew that he would never know love again he drove on quietly Markus drove on not ready to open his heart like that just yet.

Storm: 22

As they drove on Markus wondered about Servant John, and why God allows some to suffer, and others seem to go through life without any real suffering at all. He was glad that he had met Servant and reasoned within his heart that he would likely not have been able to stand with God had not Servant been there to show him that sometimes life is hard, but God is still God and does not use malicious devises. His wife’s death was the end of her time and though she was the sweetest woman a man could ever meet she was gone. “Precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of one of his saints,” the psalm says. “The mystery of life is our sanctification! The mystery of Sanctification is our…. ” Markus frowned and looked at Thankful, “Honey help me out.” “The nations shall bow and sing your praise the whole earth shall shake Lord at your gaze your people shall rejoice and worship you and we will see you as you are. No longer will we cry in suffering, no longer we look in wondering, if ever you would hear or if you know or even care. Our days are short and like grass we grow and fade. Our days all draw near to your face, where we will all know as we’ve been known from the first day. Oh you are so faithful and so true there is nothing that I would rather do than come and sit quietly at your feet and marvel at my king and marvel at my King, you are my king.” “Markus, God’s purpose in Jesus Christ is our sanctification, that we should become even as he was when he walked the earth in the days of his flesh, Paul says to the fullness of the measure of the stature of Christ, he didn’t speak of the size of his hands of feet! But the Power of the Holy Ghost who is the baptizer, the teacher, and the sanctifier of those who are called unto eternal life. My dearest Markus ‘Christianity has nothing to do with tradition, religion, rule, culture or law, but the transformation from the kingdom of death and decay to the eternal kingdom of God in the heavens!””The man, the nation, the culture ant the people who make it any less than what Yeshua purchased with his own blood my well call themselves by whatever name they choose but they are against Christ if there is no new birth.” As they continued to drive on Thankful sang her new song again, “The nations shall bow and sing your praise the whole earth shall shake Lord at your gaze your people shall rejoice and worship you and we will see you as you are. No longer will we cry in suffering, no longer we look in wondering, if ever you would hear or if you know or even care. Our days are short and like grass we grow and fade. Our days all draw near to your face, where we will all know as we’ve been known from the first day. Oh you are so faithful and so true there is nothing that I would rather do than come and sit quietly at your feet and marvel at my king and marvel at my King, you are my king.”

Storm 22:2

Markus and thankful continued onward on their trek home, after a several mile hush Markus began to muse out loud saying that he’d like to move back to the ranch, how he loved the people in the congregation, but he thought it might be better to be closer to ‘home’ again. They continued to drive going a mile or two when Thankful asked, “Honey what would you do if we moved back,” Markus became somewhat philosophical – a human disease – he opted to challenge vigorously whenever he would encounter it in a man. “Thankful laughed slightly with anticipation she knew there was a charade coming. ” Well I think Jared and I will have to team up and do some ministry maybe some missions, but first, it’s about time to get on with finding that underground river which native traditions say runs under the Ranch.” “An under ground river Markus, aren’t they pretty rare?” “Yes they are but still Jared’s cousin up in Canada found one and he’s still the only one who knows where it’s at to this day, it’s history making stuff and he won’t share.” Markus laughed, I know it’s not really any great deal when you think about the true treasure we have in Christ and don’t realize the true potential of.” “Markus what do you think has happened to Christianity to get us where we are today?” “Well Jesus said this would happen, lawlessness abounds and people’s hearts grow cold. Honey the greatest form of unbelief is not in complete unbelief, but in feigned belief, there couldn’t be a greater affront to the truth than to pretend when you truly reject the fundamental facts and tenants of the truth you profess to believe.” “Woe I’d like to hear you say that in english some day!” “The root of sectarianism is really that it is a division of supposed positions on faith when there are truly ‘none’. The word of God is a living Portrait and to reject any portion of that masterpiece qualifies to deception, and with a Nation of He-Haws out there preaching their foolishness every where they can reach with their cameras, and satellites its no wonder the world mocks at them. There is little meat in their stew and no flesh on the bones.” “Mister where did you learn to talk like that?” “Ha ha ha ‘Servant!’” “I never heard him say anything like that?”” Well its kinda man talk isn’t it?” “So Markus how serious are you about going back to the ranch and what would you do?” “Honey I am serious but I will need to pray about it, I do miss farming and all. I miss the fresh air and open spaces it would be good for Athena too, I think she would do we…..” ‘But… honey…. what about you, what do you… think did you…. do you thin……. “I think I would love it can we try it for a while or do we have to just pack up and move?” “We’ll pray I am certain that God will show us what to do.” Silence fell among them when Thanful’s phone rang, “Mom, guess what? It was Athena, “What Honey, I can’t guess.” “Jared found an underground River on the fence line between his farm and the Ranch!”

Storm 22:3

Close to half way home they stopped for a break next to a lake Thankful had an extra-large iced tea, while Markus sipped a cup of hot black coffee. “When…will.. we tell… when will we … Markus I am so excited! Can we just turn around right now?” Markus frowned and wrinkled his lips in a contorted grin,”Yeah we could turn around honey but what about New York, and the Church, and the people?” “Oh Markus I think this is from the Lords hand, I hadn’t ever thought of it but now I can’t imagine not moving to the Ranch, Your house is still there and how hard would it be to clean and repair?” “Okay we will do it but let’s go on to the city and make arrangements with the movers and and tell the people we are moving to Wyoming I think it is only right to be sure that we help set the right person in Authority to oversee the Church too don’t you honey?” “Yes you know I do but I feel like a child again, this is so exciting!” “Wait, what about Maddie and Elijah what, should we tell them or surprise them?” “I think I should call and ask if it’s okay, yeah it’s the right thing to do isn’t it?” “Markus Steele! Maddie couldn’t love you more if you’d been her own son and you know she’ll cry for two days when you tell her!” “I know your right, but I’ll call when we get home.” The last leg of the trip seemed like minutes amazing as time is when things are good hours convert to seconds an seconds to air, and when things are rough and hard second can last a year and a year a light year ‘eternity in a moment’, it seems to lead a person to think of how timeless eternity really is. A day as a thousand years, a thousand years as a day-no big deal to God who is time-less I suppose. It seems to reflect that since time is a part of creation and will end eternity must be other than simple time and maybe more static ‘state like’, like a place rather than a span of time, or maybe a time-place rather than a long long time. Markus was lost in thought smiling happily he loved thinking like this and remembering how Solomon had said in Proverbs that it is the glory of kings to search these thing out and that its good to dig deep into the wells of salvation.


Morning arrived Markus and Thankful got out of bed it was the first time they’d heard the night sounds of the city, previously life here was so busy that the hadn’t noticed the constant rumbles, drone, horns and sirens. They looked at one another and smiled the thought of their upcoming adventure re invigorated them and the day began.

Markus began to sing, “Home is where the heart is Lord I wont be home till I’m with you, till I can look upon you face till I can see you as you are, then I’ll be home then I’ll be home – a man can walk a thousand miles he can come and go a while but no man e’er will be satisfied, not heart will be whole without you, o – o one day I will be with you. Coming home-coming home – coming ho-o-me I’m coming home.” Thankful joined in, “We will be together then Father we will be made whole – and all those things that wounded us will be gone, o -o-o oh they will all be gone. The battle scars and wounded hearts, the brokenness will be rewarded in you in you. in you Lord on that day when we will be with you – coming home Lord we are we are coming home.”

Colossians ch 3 “therefore if you have been raised with Christ keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above not on the things that are on the earth. For you died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.” “Honey, I know who the new Pastor will be.” “Don’t say it, don’t tell me, Rocky?” “Yes!” “He’s the one.” “Why, because he lives Colossians 3 completely.” “Markus do you remember when his Mom drug him up to the pulpit by the ear how he yelled with pain, she insisting he be the new Pastor?” They laughed together and continued to reminisce. “He really has a Pastors heart, it just wasn’t time, he was too young. I loved the beauty and the innocence in him, he was, he is so sweet but the wolves would have eaten him alive back then.” “Thankful if everyone who calls themselves a Christian could only ‘see’ what Paul said in Col 3, and begin to live it; ” therefore consider the members of your earthly body as dead to immorality, impurity,’passion’, evil desire, and greed which amount to ‘idolatry’, it would be – so unimaginable the world would completely change!” They finished breakfast and began shuffling things about, making plans for the move. Markus went into his office and called Rocky, asking him to come over saying that he would like to speak with him. “Rocky grabbed his jacket and hit the door running when Markus called but by the time he had gone a block he began to cry as he saw why he was being called to Thankful and Markus’s house. “God, my God I will serve you, but you know I am more like a little child than a man, how will I be able to lead and feed your people?”

Storm 23 pt 2

Rocky knocked at the door, Thankful opened it inviting him in, chokingly he stumbled, “I – I know why you called me Markus, I know it’s about my becoming the Pastor, God showed me and I am so scared!” “Yes Rocky that is the reason, and you don’t have to be afraid other than being afraid of the Lord who has called you.” “I know that I should not be afraid but I am such a child at heart and I wonder how I can lead a church in the fullness of God?” “Rocky if you can keep your heart from following men, and from desiring anything either good or evil, and if you can stay far away from programs and pageantry, if you can watch and pray and help the people to see that salvation and sanctification are two hands that fold together you will be well on your way.” “Rocky, the Church is to be the body of Yeshua, Jesus Christ it is not to be a performance nor a show, and God looks on the heart not your heart alone but on the heart of every man woman boy and girl.” “If you will watch and pray you will truly see His hand moving through the people during your services. Rocky one thing that has befallen the present church culture is what I call the ‘pope pastor syndrome’, make sure nobody idolizes you or puts you in a place you don’t belong. If you do God will turn his back on you and you will be left to whatever position or plate they have placed you. Do not become the people’s slave if you have to, get a job so that you are not bound to perform for your keep. You are a ‘shepherd, servant’ ‘not hireling’, and if you receive money it is fine and earned, but put it down as fast as you can so that it does not become a snare.” “I know that I need not to say this Rocky but stay sweet, and stay close to Jesus inside, ‘in your heart’ because if there are no wolves in the house today there will be one day and you must, you must remember that they usually look the best, sound the sweetest, and have gold rings and such I think you know what I mean. Always guard your heart, not with worry and fear but with keen eyes and sharp ears and a sharp mind.” “I hear what you are saying Pastor I ‘m glad that you told me these things, but still I am afraid.” “Well it’s okay to be a bit afraid that might make you more careful, but still you have to be careful of the right things, and your greatest challenges will come from within your own heart as in how you esteem people. If you lean in any direction lean-to the poor, not to the wealthy, the poor are rich in faith as the rich are wealthy in their poverty. You know the scriptures Rocky,but remember the design of the law is to kill the flesh in that the law kills; and the design of the Spirit of the word is to bring men to everlasting life. Just as you knew why I called you today so in the same way God will lead your every step and you will never fail nor fall as long as you don’t look to any man. You are God’s man and the Holy Ghost Must be your teacher. I will be a phone call away, as you have seen me minister and have shared in that ministry often, so remember and follow the same course and you will flourish. I am confident that God has appointed you, you will do well.”

Storm: 23 pt 3

By early Saturday evening all of the moving arrangements had been made and the trucks loaded ready to head out in early in the morning. Thankful and Markus had put the house for sale with a realtor and all was ready and in order. When morning came they went to church for what would be their last time. Entering in Thankful sensed a newness and a freshness within the building her heart was gladdened by the joy and anticipation among the people there, most of whom knew that this was their last day among them. After a few minutes of mingling hugs and greetings most found a seat and were seated, and the others simply stood by intently watching Markus’s final address. “Some body’s got to take the Bull by the Horns he shouted with a gleam in his eyes and a chuckle and a grin. How many remember the first time I preached in this house?” How many are glad we came and can thank the Lord that He allowed us to be here?” He motioned Thankful to come and join him. “It is with great joy, and a mix of sweet bitterness that we are here to say good-bye to all of you for the last time.” Thankful took the mike”Ladies, Ladies I just want to thank you all for the unyielding love and well, the sweet love you have showered on Athena and I – I am sure that in times to come both of us will remember each one of you fondly and we will pray, ‘we promise to pray for each of you whenever you come to mind.’” “As we move on we , none of us know the road ahead, whether it will be a smooth path or whether it will be rough and rocky, but each one of has to go on there is no quitting, turning back nor stopping, I am so thankful for every moment we have all shared, even from the first day when Markus showed up here with Athena, I can only thank God, and I am so truly thankful.”Markus took the mike,”Rough and rocky, with that thought in mind, Rocky would you come please? Rocky came up front and Markus led him to the Pulpit, holding out his hand in a leading gesture Rocky took his place as Markus said, “Your new Pastor.”

Twelve thirty am the moving vans stopped for the night Markus and Thankful covered the windows, reclined the seats and instantly fell asleep at a roadside truck stop. They had planned to get rooms but it took them until now to catch up to the movers so they would spend the remainder of the night in their vehicle. Thankful woke up first as the sun broke through a small hole they hadn’t covered from the back window her first thought of the day began with a startle as she thought something wrong because the sun was rising in the west. Markus chuckled gently as he reassured her that they were indeed facing east, and that when they were back on the Highway they’d be heading North west again.

Author: Hubert Rondeau

Storm: 24

The day began with bright sunshine sleepiness seemed the order of the day as they had fifty miles miles to go before there would be a restaurant and some coffee. Thankful read from Romans 12:10, as Markus drove with the moving trucks in the lead. Be ye kindly affectionate to one another, giving preference to each other, with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one other, not lagging in diligence, fervent in Spirit, serving the Lord rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation continuing steadfastly in prayer; distributing to the needs of the saints…thankful stopped and closed the Bible with a startled look she faced Markus and said, ” We have a problem with what we have called Christianity Mr. Steele!” I didn’t see it until just now, but now that I see it I can’t not see it!” Her eyes were wide open and almost fearful. “What we have created, no – not us – we – I – have been caught up in it but I didn’t create this monster, what can we do Markus?” “It’s Narcissistic fallacy! ……..Narcissistic personality disorder is a condition in which people have an inflated sense of self-importance and an extreme preoccupation with themselves. “It’s an image isn’t it? It’s an image and roll play!” “She began to tremble as anger rose within her heart, be angry but do not sin James says. ” Markus do you know what I mean?” “Yes Honey I know, we take the name of the Lord in vain.” “Right! That’s it!” “That’s it!” “We have taken the word and made it flesh, as in carnal, not as in Holy flesh like Jesus just…Agghhh honey the chant of the past half century proves it! personal relationship with Whom?” “What happened to Holiness? Markus Steele we are in so deep, and such hot water with God, how can anyone of us be so shallow and vain and how can we truly be saved?”

Author: Hubert Rondeau

Storm 24: 2

An hour down the road they saw a sign along the road side,”Welcome to Lot population 3300″ “Lot, that says a lot!” As they drew close to the sign Thankful noticed that some one had spray painted ‘unsalted’ over the sign it wasn’t clear to see having been scrubbed off but for the first time today Thankful actually laughed. They entered the roadside cafe’ and Markus asked for water and coffee while they looked a the menu.

“Salty Eggs Benedict $3.95, Salty Hash Browns .95, Salty Dog Breakfast Special, $4.50, Salty breakfast salad $3.95. Markus was laughing to loudly for his own comfort as close to being out of control as he’d ever been. When the waitress came back he was shinning brightly with the intense blood flow to his face from laughter. “What is all this salt stuff miss, and why is your T.V. screen painted off, what is this place?” Markus hadn’t noticed how truly upright this young girl was until Thankful said this is a Christian restaurant isn’t it?” She grinned saying, “This is the house of Lot, adding it really isn’t the house of Lot, the T.V. is playing videos of mocking evangelists – that’s why it’s blanked out. “My Dad was a Godly man, a preacher, and he suffered a lot from the devils these men have loosed in America, ‘the madness of a man preaching that a person could be saved by shaking his hand,’ that’s not the worst of it but it was bad.” “Why don’t you just take the T.V. down then, or put on some better things?” “Well I think we will be taking it down soon, but as far as putting up better, we know that if there is a camera in the house of God it is for pride and posterity on the most innocent side and sordid gain for the most part.” Thankful and Markus looked at one another and smiled.

“Can I have three eggs, bacon and toast please no salt?” Thankful ordered too and the waitress left them to visit while she took their order to the cook. “Lot seems like an interesting place honey, maybe we should just stay here?” I have my heart set on the Ranch now Markus I think that’s where we need to be.” “I agree, but what … did you hear what the waitress said, there may be hope in America yet!” “Markus God’s word says that he knows those who are his, he also knows his enemies.” “Lots wife wanted what Sodom and Gomorrah had to offer, she had no inkling of the holiness, and the separateness of God in that he does make a distinction between clean, and unclean, saved and unsaved, born of the spirit, and carnal.” “Honey you should be an evangelist.” “Markus it will take years of holiness, and repentance in Gods people to undo and eradicate what these people have done it is a major catastrophe to the body of Christ and has ruined millions, it’s like I said earlier when we were on the road, and I need God’s peace to settle my heart over it all.”


Storm: 24 pt 3

As they were finishing breakfast the waitress came and asked who they were, where they were going etc. Jena always wanted to get away from Lot it was a typical small town and there was always a stigma over her Dad’s ministry here, he was a gentle man a Godly man and a true blue Christian. Many times he’d been the brunt of accusations and scandal over the word of God, as it is written he had never gone for the twists and revisions and the addendum’s nor the watering down and over simplification of the Bible which had begun to become popular among those trying to ‘build the kingdom’. He stayed firm with Apostle Paul’s warning in second Corinthians five ten, “For we must all appear before the Judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. Knowing, therefore, the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are well-known to God,” “Paul, she continued, Paul, warned us all how to build and not to build onto the foundation of the Prophets, and Apostles warning that all of our works and building will be tested by fire, whether is was of Gold, Silver, Wood, Hay, or Stubble; stubble being less than straw, because it is all that is left in the field when the harvesters have cut down and taken in the crop. Paul said that those who preach anything other than the pure and whole gospel will be tried by fire, my Dad said we all will be tried by fire, all meaning all, and that we must be able to stand in that fire as Hananiah, Mishael,and Azariah; their firey trial was due to an evil kings desire to have all honor unto himself and his image, but dad said it is not that different today. Our trial will be to see what we hold, and what holds us, and what we would burn for or what would burn us before we would let it go.” “Jena, Thankful asked, would you consider coming with us, is your dad dead, do you have family here or are you alone?” “I come from a large family, I am the only believer, my parents are both gone now I was raised by an older brother, but he doesn’t like me much, I am a believer he is not. My Parents were Godly people but none of my family followed them when dad died I was suddenly left alone, would you really take me with you where are you going?” “We are moving back to the Ranch in Wyoming we are not sure what we will be doing yet but Jena, I know it’s good if you want to come, come because we will love you always and our hearts will be open to you as Paul’s was to the ones he ministered to.” Markus commented, “I would like to know more of your Fathers beliefs and what kind’s of things he preached, I see in you such a wholesomeness that I believe he must have been a real believer indeed. Jena if you have peace in your heart about it come, we will be your family and God will be with us all, you can leave Lot behind you and God will be with you.

Author: Hubert Rondeau

Sharp words:

He took his pen to hand and began to write

The ink flowed thickly as thickly as blood

As smooth as silk as boldly as a river of water careening over a steep rocky abutment

The words were sharp words clear as crystal cold as ice as the reader read the sharp words flowed with breath and life

They breathed with newness as fresh air oxygen richness into the souls of men

Sharper than any two-edged sword! Clean enduring forever!

The scribe brings out of his treasury both old and new

Living, sharp, and active piercing to the division of soul and spirit of joint and marrow

The word of – life – the word of the Lord

Hubert Rodeau

Storm 25 pt 1

Jared walked along main street he’d gone into the Grocery store where Tak and Sara were shopping passing by a magazine stand he noticed the local new paper had run an article about the Union Pacific train line which went across the north side of the Reazon Ranch. He picked it up and read that they were planning a historical event and were bringing in engine 107 with a dozen coal cars for the event. Jared’s heart turned to glass and ached with every beat as he remembered the last train to run those tracks was engine 107 when he was just about Tak’s age. He remembered it because that day wouldn’t ever be forgotten by anyone in Carbon County. That day Engine 107 collided with His Dads best friend and neighbor David Reazon the pain of his heart was that ‘Marshal Withers’ Jared’s dad, and Jared were right behind David when he was killed. Jared not only witnessed the accident but was there witnessing the most horrible day of his father’s life, as a child it had been a horror, and as a man the pain still cut deeply so that tears welled up in his eyes. Not like Jared at all he threw the paper aside disregarding it’s landing-place Sara saw his face, “Honey whats wrong?” “They shouldn’t do it Sara, they shouldn’t bring that train back here again! you can’t go back, its just bad, something else will happen Sara.” “Jared what are you talking about?” He picked up the paper and showed her the story, I was there when that train killed David Reazon, I was just a boy, they shouldn’t do it Sara they just shouldn’t, you can’t go back!” They finished getting their weekly things and headed back toward home. When they reached the train crossing Jared stopped off to the side of the road and got out of the truck, he walked over to the rails and looked down the line. “You see those trees down there he pointed out for Sara, and Tak who were now beside him, that’s about a quarter of a mile from here, that is where the train finally stopped after hitting Mr. Reazons pickup truck. My dad and I ran all the way down there I can still hear him crying and praying God, God, oh my God please Lord please, ooooh God no David! David! David!” Jared was weeping and sighed heavily as he looked at his wife and son there’s no turnin back they should leave 107 in the scrap yard something will go wrong.” When the got home Sara and Tak put their things in the house as Jared went to the barn. “Lord You know me you know my soul my heart, and mind, My God I pray with everything that is in me don’t let that train roll again you are God and you know that it is nothing but human nostalgic pride that motivates men to put on such pageants, but God I am afraid because deep in my heart I see history repeating itself and…. and…. Please Lord don’t allow it.

Storm: 25 pt 2

Jared sat at his desk opening a letter posted from Canada, “Dear Jared, I know that it’s been years since we have written, so many more since we were together that it’s a shame. I want to apologize please forgive me Jared. Do you remember the year you and Servant came up here to visit? ” It’s been far to long since we have seen one another, and I think it’s time to change that, logging season is just getting into full gear the timber is flying in every direction around here right now but when the sawdust and the bark all stops flyin in the spring I would like to come down there and visit, I haven’t met Sara, nor Tak, Chief Lewis said Sara is a very beautiful lady, and Tak is a wonderful young fellow who is very respectful to all.

Did you and Servant keep the Bows you got when you were up here or did you trade them in for Chevy parts? ha ha ha.. .. Don’t know why you guys never liked Fords! I always tease the fellows up here saying that they pave the roads with Chevy parts so that they get some use of them!

I have had some Rough roads to travel Jared and my heart has gotten cold and hard. I have closed myself out to everyone, and there is no room for a feather in there let alone a song or song bird. I now that God can break any heart and save any man, and I know that he can use whatever tool he wishes to loosen rusted bolts. Lately an old song by the eagles keeps coming to mind I’m sure you remember it ‘Desperado’? I’m not sure about the title, but is says ‘you better let somebody love you before it’s too late, don’t your feet get cold in the winter time when the sky won’t snow and the sun wont shine and its hard to tell the night-time from the day – your losing all your high’s and lows ain’t it funny how the feeling goes –a-way — desperado – desperado I think, well I though, I hope, that it was the Lords doing but again the more the song wouldn’t leave me alone, the more I hardened myself against it until three days later I finally remembered the part that said these things that are pleasing you can hurt you some how. Jared I have hurt so much over the years that I wanted it to hurt more! I know that may seem crazy, but, pain can be like that, I think you know what I mean, because you went through a lot of suffering too. Do you remember the three of us parking Four old Chevy 4×4′s side by side and then swapping parts from one to the other until we had created two? Jared looked up out the window through tear filled eyes gazing at one of those trucks still in his yard. Man we were all … What-were – we? …indescribable!.. we were, we were indescribable. Jared I don’t know if your still the same guy you once were but I loved that guy and I miss him, I missed Servant too, it’s too late to love him now but you and I are still alive, and if God will but have mercy on this desperado I want’s to see you again.

P.S. Jared do you remember how we all prayed? I just realized that we only prayed for God to be glorified in our lives, and that we would have the strength to live just for him. Please write soon Jared


Author: Hubert Rondeau


Storm: 25 pt 3

Markus, Thankful, and Jena climbed into the Supper crew and headed west following the moving trucks as before. Thankful scootched up tight to Markus insisting that Jena ride in front with them. Time flew by and in what seemed like moments they were midway through South Dakota. “This is such a beautiful State, Jena commented so much evidence of Gods hand I mean everywhere you look there is history and evidence of catastrophic proportion, upheavals of all kinds God left us with so much evidence everywhere pointing to his wrath and destruction of antediluvian man And we just sit there with stale faces not knowing what we are actually looking at!” “Sara smiled and looked over at Markus.” Jena laughed, “What’s funny, what did I say?” “How old are you sweetheart Thankful asked,” “I’m 20 Why?” “Well you seem to know a lot about the earth and God’s word, did your dad teach you or someone else?” “Well my dad lived his life in God it wasn’t a show or a pageant, I mean he wasn’t the man who made a scene over things, he was humble and knew God and God knew him. He was one of those men who said ‘you can know that you are in Christ and that Christ is in you, and that’s enough’! “Jesus didn’t need to prove himself to man because he already knew what was in man and he wasn’t impressed, I mean if you think about it He was in the beginning with God, and all things were made by him and through Him and for Him, He is the author and finisher of our faith, and for the joy that was set before Him he endured the cross despising the shame, not to mention that He is the single and only man ever to be born of a woman who is and was without any sin what so ever, the only one whose flesh was not condemned in sin, the only true live birth and the only one qualified to let his holy flesh be condemned in sin ‘none of his own’ in that he might be the qualifier unto everlasting life to those who believe, and come to him for everlasting life through the blood of His cross!” “Wooo-hooo!” Thankful shouted you’re a live one, you got it praise God!” Markus smiled then laughed Jena, I am so glad to know you! Please tell us more.” “You asked whether my Dad taught me yes, he did but more than that he showed, me he always said more is caught than is taught. He also said Jena if you listen with a quiet heart the Holy Ghost will teach you because that is his job according to John. He was the only man I knew who didn’t have a hobby, no golf clubs, no football, no sports, once in a while he’d go fishing or Hunting but his live was in Jesus Christ and he didn’t need anything to make him happy, he was always happy. He said that a backslider is a bore to himself, and said that it is in the Scripture. Many times I heard him say things like when you have the Holy Spirit in you you are never bored, and you are never lonely ‘God is life abundant life.’” They drove on into the night visiting and getting to know one another ,the further they went the more joy they shared in knowing that God was with them indeed.

Storm: 26 pt 1

Jared and Sara were in bed cuddling closely, “You didn’t tell me what JR said in his letter honey,” “No I guess I didn’t, he was telling me of some things that he’d gone through in his life and reminded me of the times he Servant and I had when we were younger, how we prayed pretty passionately that our lives would be honorable to God, and so on, and he said that he would like to come down here in the spring if that’s alright.” “Will you answer him?” “Yeah I will, I would love it if he could come down, ohhh how I’d like to get him on a Horse and just ride!” “Doesn’t he ride Horseback” “No he has a Quad, he says it doesn’t run on hay nor throw him into trees.” “Tree’s?” “Yeah we have had a few rodeo’s with some green broke Horses, it was a lot of fun in those days.” “You guys! – you never, I mean how did you survive?”Jared rolled onto his side holding her tightly and kissing her deeply “Baby I love you so much, so much.”

Morning came and Tak headed for the Bus, ” I love you Dad, he shouted from the lane God Bless you!” Jared took a sheet of paper, a pen and a coffee over to the kitchen table, sat down and began to write. “JR, I had a dream about you last night, well not really I didn’t but its my line right? You got into your ‘FORD’, and headed off for work, when you’d gone about 5 miles you heard kat-ching, kat-ching, and watched as your truck popped up a part number!” “About the roads being paved with Chevy parts they don’t do that anymore cause I asked for them to send them all to me.” “I know what you thought”, “Yeah, Jared can make a better truck out of parts than they can make new but that’s not it!”

“You said that the song made you mad, and the more you’d hurt the more you wanted to hurt, ‘that I understand’, but that is blaming God for what you think is your fault or ‘guilt, false guilt you have taken to yourself, I might add’.” “I know it because I lived that out for far too long too!””JR, you gotta know that sometimes life is hard and it’s okay when it’s not okay! And it’s not your fault just because you want to think it is so that you can blame somebody, (yourself) and maybe get some kind of understanding.” “I wouldn’t worry about feathers and birds at this point, God knows his desire for you and the first one is to comfort your heart and give your soul rest and peace, remember the song, “He is my peace who has broken down every wall ….. Cast all your cares on him for he cares for you, he is our peace he is our peace?” “I know you remember the song but do you understand that it is true? JR, I can assure you that God has never left you, and he didn’t let these thing all go wrong, people are people wherever you find them and there are few with wholesome character, and fewer still who are truly Godly. Do you remember the story of the ten virgins, and that they were all sleeping when the Master came, and how five had oil in their lamps and five didn’t, that the five who had oil in their lamps also had extra oil for later? JR you need to stir up the gift that God has poured into you and get back on Jesus track. It don’t matter if your feet get cold in the winter time if the sky won’t snow or the sun wont shine! its easy to tell the night time from the day! You know it- You know it. JR, Sara, Tak, and I would love you to come down in the Spring! We would love it more if you decided to stay once you get here so please come we will be waiting for you.

Y/T  Jared.

Storm: 26 pt 2

Dr Brad Manz returned to Israel, to the people and to the church, amidst the warmth the hugs and love his heart was troubled and broken, after all had gone off a ways he excused himself and went into the back room of the building closed the door and lay prostrate on a bed which they had set up for travelers needing a place to sleep. Brads heart was so heavy he thought it wold rupture and he found himself wishing that it would. “Yahweh, Father, I need you! Father come rescue my heart, Lord oh Lord I am a man of unclean lips and I live in a nation of unclean lips! And we don’t know you! We don’t we don’t know you.” Brad groaned in his spirit and was weary with sorrow, this was the sorrow James spoke of,this was deep groaning prayer for the Mercy of YHWH for His mercy, to grant abundant wisdom, Holy, and God fearing wisdom to his people. “Father are we not still blind and so shallow, that we are like watered down milk and have no meat?” is not our faith as passing as the wind? Do we not have you in our little Jesus box where we pack you to and fro, but have no oil and not sap within the root, and vine of our lives?” “Father all my fountains are in you, but today I am in a dry and weary land! Oh Yeshua, I think I understand now how the prophets wept, and groaned when they saw the people lost as sheep among wolves, and in the wilderness. You alone O Lord are the Rock of our Salvation, now look and see what is being done in the nations how they have laid the stone of stumbling and the Rock of offense to the side, and rather set the ‘fruit, of Passion on your Alter! You said if any man fall on you he will be broken, but upon whom you fall they shall be crushed and ground into powder. Father so many follow they mystery, and the Mystics who profess to come in Jesus name! But they set aside the whole, and the Holy, the fullness of the measure of Christ is obscured in the lust of imagery, supposed signs and wonders, truly it is wonder- lust and sensual. They take your word and mystify it with images, and dreams, traditions and superstition, and they have cast out the Rock which has been cut out of the Mountain without hands. Yesuha you are the Rock! Fall on us in spirit and in truth, do not let us perish in our mystic folly, teach us to magnify your holy name and to stay with you at your feet. Brad rose from the bed and stumbled about the Church groaning and musing within, “How can I live in this state, Father, how can I live, I am like a dead man and the pain and sorrow of my heart increases as I know that I am blind and shame has covered the land, for we are unashamed of our shame and have turned it into glory, but have left you for the image and the dream.


Storm: 26 Pt 3

Sara, Maddie, Jared, Elijah, Athena, and Tak were together at Maddie’s kitchen table, sharing their favorite Bible verses and telling why and what they would like to see in their lives or in the lives of others close to them. Jared began, “I – I -Well, my favorite old testament characters are Eleazar, and Uriah, Eleazar because he fought the Lord’s battle by himself until he had slaughtered all of God’s enemies single handedly, and that it was such a wearisome fight that his hand ceased or froze to the sword. And I like Uriah who was one of Davids mighty men, whose name meant ‘flame of Jehovah’. He was so devoted to the King, and to Joab his commander that he would not, ‘even though drunk’, he would not let his mind stray from the war, and the king’s service to go and be with his little lamb. I believe he knew that if he let his mind turn to the pleasures of his wife that he would be a weak link in the king’s army and maybe be killed or cause a fellow soldiers death by his distraction while thinking of his time with Bathsheba.” Jared looked about the room waiting for a response. “My hope is to be like these two men, both were mighty men of valor because of devotion and dedication to the King. Although it makes me wonder what in the world David was thinking, I am not going to wonder about that as much as to marvel at Uriah, who carried his own death sentence to his commander in his own hand. I believe that ‘Had’ he known what was in the letter, he’d have gone ahead, delivered it to Joab, and marched right to his death in Honor of the King he served.” “I also believe that though Eleazar was wearied and exhausted out in the battle, he knew that he could not stop, because there was no way he would let God’s enemy win while he could still hold on to the sword.” “That is what it is to serve, that is what I pray for each of us here, that we might know Y-H-W-H God so intimately that we have little regard for our own lives, and grasp the sword of the Spirit, and become true flames of Jehovah living sacrifices to the living God!” Jared turned facing Elijah and began to pray, “Father in heaven you know all things! You know the hearts and minds of every person on this earth, Oh Father! What a glory it would be if only! If only! If only, your people knew you to the end that we would all Honor you with every breath, and every ounce of strength within our bones! Yeshua, I pray that you will take hold of our mouths and close them. Take hold of our eyes, and open them! Take hold of our ears Lord, and clean them out so that we can hear! then teach us Oh God teach us cast off all the false doctrine’s of decades of folly cast off the trapping of the world, the flesh and the devil, open our hearts to hear your word, by your Holy Spirit, and teach us to Magnify your Holy name amen, amen.” as he closed his prayer Jared was a bit remorse stricken at his many words but he knew it was good.

Storm: 27 pt 1

Athena and Tak had become fast friends as young and sweet as they were it was beautiful to see the wholesome closeness they shared. “Tak stood to His feet answering his Dad, “I think you are right dad, I believe both Uriah, and Eleazar knew God, and had a very deep sense of Honor for him. Dad I want to live my life in that kind of honor,” Athena stood net to Tak, “That goes for me too, I want to know God more and honor him more everyday of my life.” Maddie said, “Do you children know what you are asking?” “Yes ma’am Tak replied,”We are asking to be rejected by the world, and by many who name themselves as Christians.” “Do you know that you will be lonely?” Athena replied, “Not lonely like the ones who don’t know God even though they may be rich they are alone inside and cannot taste and cannot feel like we do.” “Honey what do we feel,” “Well we feel – like – we – feel God’s breath, his sweetness, and Holiness, his mercy, and grace, we – know him in Spirit, and we are full inside, it’s kind of hard to explain, the Bible says that the Holy Spirit is the one who shows us and teaches and seals his testimony inside of our hearts, even though we might not be able to describe it but we know it, and it’s true.” “Sara asked, Athena, “Is it more than a feeling then, I mean is it,” “It’s like breathing Sara, God’s Spirit is like our breath he is alive inside and we know him from within our entire body, soul, and spirit.” Elijah had been silent, soaking in the wonder of this beautiful family. He marveled that he’d never met anyone with such richness of testimony over the length of his years. Here were people who wanted to honor God with their very lives and every breath, not only the words they spoke, not the impression they’d make on anyone who might see them or watch them, but they loved God in truth. He stood and began to speak, “I would like to say that I have seen many things in my life, I have heard many prayers, and listened to many preach and call on God, but I can tell you honestly that I have not seen or heard the true heart-felt things I am hearing here today. God is, and he is and has his own testimony, he will never be mocked. Men and women world-wide may think in rebellion against him but who can stand when he rises to vindicate his name.” Athena went over and wrapped her arms around Elijah, she loved him so dearly. Only Maddie knew how fervently he had prayed for Athena when she had succumbed to the mysterious family disease that first took Athena’s mother, and then suddenly took her life as well, he remembered the day as Athena held his side, tears began to flow only Maddie and Athena knowing why, overcome with the power of the memory Elijah Sand sat quietly as Jared, Sara, and Tak looked on in wonder with a shaky voice he said softly, holding Athena as she held him, God is real and God is a holy God whoever humbles himself can be saved, but there is no Salvation for the proud!”

Storm: 27 pt 2

Chief Lewis and Carlos made it back to the city, they unpacked all their luggage sleeping bags and the seeming mountain of trinkets they’d brought back from Canada. Siting at the kitchen table and began reliving the journey, especially the visit to Maddie’s, and seeing Pastor Elijah again. Elijah was a man of God but a man who would accept no title of any kind knowing the easy snare which could come upon the heart when prestige and honor were miss appropriated to one’s own soul. Chief asked Carlos, ” My friend what will you do now, you are a young man and you need a direction, have you considered a course for your life, have you prayed about any certain path?” Carlos turned his head avoiding Chiefs eyes, “I was hoping to stay with you, you have become more like my father than my father, more like a brother and friend than any one I have ever met.” “Carlos if you wish you can stay and we will seek God’s will for our lives, but if ever you need to go do not hold back for my sake.”

Saturday morning 11:30 am the towns people gathered around the Rail Road station in expectation of Engine 107′s arrival. Thankful, Markus and Jena, were ahead of the movers and passed through town wondering what the occasion might be people lined the streets and the atmosphere was that of a carnival. They managed to get through and headed out on the gravel road for the final stretch home to the Ranch, as they were all travel weary no one spoke and the time now seemed long. The North Border of the ranch now in sight Markus relaxed closing his eyes in a long squinting blink opening them again just in time to see the oncoming train seconds before the crossing almost in the same frame of time Jared popped out onto the road way from the open door of his pickup and stood holding the door with an intense look of concern on his face, when Markus pulled up and stopped Jared knew why he’d had such a worried heart over the trains return but all was well, 107 continued into town and after some hello’s and a brief introduction Jena met Jared, Jared went on home and the travelers finished their journey. Thankful took Jena by the hand and led her into the House, she looked over her shoulder noticing that Markus wasn’t coming along, he motioned them to go on ahead as he walked over to the coral put a foot on the bottom rail, and leaned his weight on the top rail. “Father, thank you for our home-coming Lord you know, I am glad to be back and I feel like this is as close to home as I will ever be, my fear if there is a fear to be known here is only that I might be too content here and forget you, I pray Father, I pray if I begin to lose sight of you, that you will turn my head, and heart right back to the mirror of Proverbs 30: 8-9 that I might remember that I am yours in truth and today while it is today and I am here before you, with all that is within me I want to give you my life fully, Lord please don’t deny me the Honor of serving you in everything I do and everything I am. Thank you Father, thank you, amen. Athena saw her dad leaning on the fence rail, everything changed, he was still her Daddy, but suddenly she saw him as a man. It was a breath taking moment for her as she slowly and ladylike walked over slipped her arm around his waist saying, “Dad, I am so thankful that you decided to bring us home again thank you so much,” She hugged him, took his hand led him to the house.

Storm: 27 pt 3

“Eloi Eloi Lama Sabachthani my God my God why have you forsaken me many waters cannot quench your love rivers cannot overwhelm it oceans of fear cannot conceal your love for me, Holy love a Holy love which few men can conceive of.

Sara walked the fence line Praying to her Savior with every step, it wasn’t a hard thing for her to do, as Paul said pray continuously and without ceasing, since the early days of her salvation ceaseless prayer had become her most intimate friend. With Tak, and Athena Sara decided to come and find Jared’s underground River. Jared had warned them to be especially careful not having himself covered the Farm to make sure there were no other holes where the ground had given way to the pressures and forces unseen. Sara remembered the words of Mary, when she went to see Elizabeth, “My soul doth magnify the Lord; and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior for he hath regarded the lowliness of his handmaiden.”

With a thankful heart Sara continued until she heard voices below her feet, she had come close to the edge without realizing it. On the surface the hole was small but there was a cavern and a River below. Sara looked down called to Tak and Athena, “Are you two in there, Tak, Athena, where are you?” Suddenly Tak sauntered out from under her feet as though this were a usual event in his world. “How did you two get down there Tommy Addison Knight?” “Easy Mom there’s a huge hole up there close to the timber-line, Dad wouldn’t have seen it in the dark but it’s easy to get down.” Sara looked up toward the nearby tree’s seeing a depression in the ground knowing that must be it. “Stay there I’m coming down there too.” “No Mom you might get hur…” Sara looked at her son, who stopped short of ending his thought and smiled at her.

The River water was Ice, ice-cold painful to the legs as you stood knee-deep within it’s rushing flow. “Son, this is not a safe place to be, there is not enough rock structure down here to hold up the soil and it could all collapse. It’s so huge I wonder how it formed.” “The natives said there is a River here, and we get to own it Tak laughed with glee.” Well come on let’s not stay down here surely this will all fall in some day and I don’t want to be here when it does. As they began to climb the slope at the entry the ground rumbled and shook suddenly. Sara grabbed Athena who was next to her and shoved her forward say in “Go! Get out now! She reached back and felt for Tak taking his arm and pulling him up yelled “Go Tak go!” when they’d all made the surface they ran down from the timber-line and stood a good ways from the River as the ground began to slough off with the rumbling, tree’s falling into the hole that was getting bigger by the minute and began to resemble a crater. “Children,” Sara nearly screamed “God has had mercy on us today, and shown us a secret of his power, and how we should not tempt him in foolish endeavors, like climbing into a hole as we just did, had it caved in seconds……ear….”

The ground heaved and shook as she was speaking, Sara looked onward toward the mountains in the background they seemed to be moving but it was hard to tell, while they seemed to be on a wave of soil going up and down with rythmic pulses moments later all was still, too still it was as though every creature around them had received the warning, all holding their breath, everything was Quiet, dead quiet, breath taking quiet nearly painfully quiet. Sara remembered Servant’s telling, that if you could make a man stop thinking his own thoughts, and be still and quiet for an hour he would know that God is, he would tremble in His presence and turn to Him for salvation.

She realized how Satan had won the souls of millions with noise, entertainment, music, and business of all kinds. “Oh my God she whispered, I pray that you would bring such a quiet over the nations that men could hear, and be saved.”

Storm: 28

It was Sunday morning Elijah, Markus, Maddie, Thankful, Jena, and Athena walked down to Jared’s farm they had decided to have a breakfast brunch this morning, the fresh country air enhanced their appetites as the sun warmed the earth releasing its musky fragrance making them glad of heart just to be alive. As they ate together and shared their weeks adventures and misadventures, hearts and minds turned to the earth tremors and the land slide Sara and the Children had been witness to just the day before. Jared, Markus, and Elijah became very interested as Sara, and Tak told their version of the event. After they’d finished Elijah said that it reminded him of Matthew 24 where Jesus Himself prophesied of his return. As they sat and visited Athena began to speak about the USGS how they have been watching Earthquakes globally and in North America for several years, that all their data and warnings are available to anyone who wishes to search them up, continuing she stated that there are two potentially dangerous areas in America, one of which could experience Mega Quakes which could potentially wipe out most if not all life in the USA in one colossal event. Saying, “we live right in its midst” she told them of the Lava pocket which Scientists had recently discovered and how is was situated from the north-east to the south-west under Wyoming and that the Yellowstone basin has been rising and was certain to erupt once again the question being only ‘when’. After a short pause she began to speak of the now silent New Madrid fault which is a five state fault and could wipe out multiple millions of people if it were to erupt as with the same intensity as it had in the eighteen hundreds. Athena then went on to tell of the Six Hundred mile subduction zone along which runs about fifty miles out in the Pacific Ocean How it stretches from Vancouver Canada southward to Oregon and that If the entire length were to erupt the quake would travel at the speed of six to seven thousand miles per hour reaching Canada within minutes, and causing what Scientists deem a Mega Tsunami. Tak came in and sat next to Athena saying, “That’s just the beginning of the phenomenon what about the threat of Polar shift, where the crust of the earth would spin several thousand miles in minutes again at speeds of several thousand miles per hour, and the fact that just the wind created from such a shift would be three to four hundred miles per hour with waves crashing over the earth in the area if five miles high”. The adults listened carefully to Tak and Athena, and when they had talked about the galactic plane, and the thought that the earth would be going through it within weeks, it seemed that people ought to be afraid, and surely some must be but not here, there was a sense of excitement but not one of fear. Elijah spoke then saying, I have seen many evidences in my life that this earth has already undergone some very traumatic times. there are a lot of signs everywhere you go one in particular I have noticed is that of upheavals in rock, and soil where you can see that they have been thrust upward from a former more level plain. we live in in a place that has seen catastrophic events and it is our pride, and decided stubbornness to it which keeps us in the darkened arrogance and away from the humility which would help us to understand that we are no big deal of our own and that within God’s word there is disaster coming to America and all the world, which He said through Peter that He will burn up with intense heat, that all the elements will burn being on fire, the air we breathe being the most basic element of all it seems that men ought to fear, not just fear but tremble and truly fear But no never will they come to that.

Storm: 28 pt 2

As they sat at brunch looking off to toward the Grand-Teton Mountains Athena frowned in thought as she realized that they were very much unlike the Canadian Rockies, the mountains here looked sharper more jagged as though they had been pushed up from under the earth with far more speed and vigor than their Canadian cousins, she looked at Tak and whispered what she saw into his ear and the two silently observed the ruggedness in plain view before them. Tak not able to contain his thoughts asked Elijah, “How often do you think – I mean Elijah, how – how often do you think men look at things of the world, and people of the world and even major events, just about anything? Agh… How of then do you think we look at things without having any idea of what we are really looking at?” Elijah looking closely into his eyes answered, “Precious, I believe that to be a very common real human disease and a full-blown human disorder.” Tak was taken a bit by the surprise with Elijah’s comment, and his asking why he’d asked. “Well Athena and I, really Athena noticed the that the mountains here are very much more rugged, rough, and jagged that those up in Canada and we were thinking that maybe they have had a more of a violent beginning.” “Tak I am glad that you see that, so many things we take for granted in this world are missed by most people. People miss that in His wrath God flooded the earth with water that covered the mountains, what we see as beauty, which truly is beautiful is directly the result of God’s wrath. Evolutionists need to hold tightly to the subtle, and progressiveness of time in order to make their delusions palatable, but in six days God created the heavens and the earth I firmly believe that there was some rough action going on in those days. And when he flooded the earth with water that covered the mountains in only forty days and nights ‘that too’ that would have been a violent, very violent storm. In a simple read of Genesis 6-9 we see some startling things! (The mountains were all covered) the rain ‘only’ lasted 40 days, and 40 nights! What kind of rain fall would that take? It would take six hundred and sixty feet of rain falling every twenty-four hours to cover the mountains in such a short time. ” “I wonder,” Elijah continued, “as I like to think about what the word of God says, I wonder how many people survived the first 24 hours of His wrath upon His creation

By faith Noah, being warned by God about things not yet seen, in reverence prepared an ark for the salvation of his household, by which he condemned the world, and became an heir of the righteousness which is according to faith. Jesus said as it was in the days of Noah ‘so’ it shall be in the days of the Son of man. Peter says that in the time coming God will destroy the whole earth with Fire.” “Such a rainfall as in Noah’s flood would be nothing short of a Tsunami, rainfall, It would have come in like a ‘Big wave’ both inland and coastal covering the whole earth. In light of scripture what do you think created the Grand Canyon, and caused the mountains, and hills to rest ‘today’ in an up heaved position? That type of rain is a Tsunami all on it’s own, and far, far outstrips anything else ever recorded in Global History! One day Son, it may be soon, but men’s hearts will fail them for the fear of what will befall them, I am certain that men rarely understand or perceive what they are looking at, and it may well be that blindness is a terminal disease as deadly as the sin of Adam.”

Not to be alarmed, but to understand that God is God; who has created this World, and has said that certain events will occur at His will. He has confined all under Sin as Paul says in Romans, but has made a way of escape through His own Son Jesus Christ. But He is Holy and greatly to be feared! This fear is the ultimate form of honor, and ‘praise’ which is reverence and thankfulness. Pretentiousness, self-righteousness, false piety all equal pride, all are snares Paul said the kingdom of God comes not with words, but with power, Power to rain a Tsunami, Power to Burn all the elements with fervent heat! Power to convert a twisted human soul, or mind unto repentance and salvation, salvation is not a simple verbal chant, chatter or empty prayer, but the power of God to save those whom he has called unto himself. I have often said that it takes more Power to humble one man unto salvation than it would take God to create a new universe like the one we live in today! All creation obeys Him perfectly ‘on earth, as it is in heaven’ Jesus says, but men rebel, men love rebellion. It took God 6 days to create everything he could do it over 100 time again in 600 days, how many days has he spoken to the hearts of millions in order to save their souls from His wrath which is to come? Many millions have lived and died in the last several centuries without ever thinking of these very things Yet his mercy endures forever on those whom he has called.”

Storm: 29

Athena became distant from the others, she was watching as a scene unfolded before her eyes, remembering Peters words as he quoted from the Prophet Joel, “Your young men shall see visions and your old men dream dreams, and upon all flesh I will pour out my Spirit.” She settled her heart on the vision she’d begun to receive, it was a vision of the Church, actually many groups and denominations. As she watched she saw the Son of God dressed in a flowing white robe walking amongst the people’s who claimed to be his own. He moved slowly and deliberately looking into the hearts of each one he’d pass by, occasionally one or two would stop what ever they were doing and look back at him and at first Athena thought they could see Jesus, or at least had a perception that he was there. She watched and soon became aware that not only did the people not see him but many fought over him and his words right there with Jesus among them. She watched as he would look into the eyes of the lame, the weak, and the sickly, she marveled as they reached out their hand to him, and took comfort in his noticing their plight. Athena wondered and feared greatly for many whom the Lord had called, looking right into their eyes and saying “you follow me,” she heard some say, ” Yes Lord I will follow you,” but by now she knew fully that none of these either saw nor heard his voice. They fought amongst themselves and argued wildly until the Lord simply turned away walking over to the next group of people. On one occasion when the fighting was particularly bitter two men began to punch at one another with Jesus right in between them ‘Still they didn’t know’ still he moved along walking among men.”

As the scene before her changed she saw wars, and heard rumors or great wars, in her youth she began to tremble, until Maddie put her arms around her. Maddie saw her eyes and knew that Athena was watching something she herself did not see, she knew it was troublesome to her grand-daughter so Maddie stayed and held her. The wars ‘broken-out’ among the people were vicious and lawlessness was everywhere. Athena began to shake as the ground beneath her feet shook from the violence within the earth as men proved themselves to be no different from in the days of Noah. When the vision ended Athens heart melted with sorrow she turned her eyes toward her Grand mother and the tears of sorrow began to flow. “Gram, they didn’t know him! He was standing right in front of them, and none of them knew that he was there!” Maddie knew the heart of her grand child she continued to gently hold her in silence waiting for her to continue. “They left them to die Gram! They left them to die! Gram, Jesus left them to die too but as a witness against the ones who should have helped, and rescued them.” “But he was with them and stayed with them in Spirit as he walked away from all those others.” “Gram, Elijah is right there is no separation of the word of God, it is a whole portrait, all these sectarian Peoples divided the word of God to their own destruction and the destruction of their followers.”

“Jesus looked at them, called to them, pulled on their garments only to be exchanged for traditions, superstitions, mysticism, pride and their own agendas.” Maddie looked over to Elijah who had been watching and listening, ” God had sent them many men, men like Servant, men whom they murdered, tortured brutally beat and destroyed, but that’s not all many were destroyed with the false doctrines of these one’s in an attempt to remain in the systems they believed to be the Church their lives as men and women of God ruined by the pretentious and the pompous who prospered daily in deception ruling in their own strength and by their own imagination, and doctrinal pride.” When she had finished speaking Athena looked again at Maddie, and then to the rest who were listening to her. “They let them die!” She said, “And although Jesus was with them he let them die as a witness against them!” Sara, and Thankful hugged Athena tightly as she was still shaking from the vision and the meaning of the vision. “Honey”, Thankful said, “you have just experienced the gift of the word of wisdom which Apostle Paul speaks of in the word indeed, there is no division of the word nor the portrait, or the person of the word which is Jesus Christ it is high above and out of the reach of those who do not believe, and those who are proud no matter what they might title themselves to be.”

Storm 29:2

Tak had gone inside, when he’d returned he had several tattered and abused note books in his hands, “These were Servant’s he began, I have read every word he journaled throughout his life, that is other than the ones he’d written when he was in his greatest storm which he later said he’d burned, regretting that, writing that those were the best of his writings.” “Servant was a man of God in every sense of the word, he had many visions even as a child, and heard messages from God, or his messengers in tongues. He wrote about it saying it was when he was very very young, to young to know what these things were, and what they meant. He said that the tongues were like none he had ever heard nor spoken, and that they were definitely not of human origin whatsoever.

Servant had a very hard childhood he was sickly and weak. But he loved God even as a boy, although never had a chance at growing up in a Godly and loving home. When he was around sixteen Servant saw visions, one being of a rain of fire, the drops of which were the size of soccer balls each one having a comet like tail. He never told this vision to anyone and when he had been in an accident he’d lost all those memories for many years.” Tak looked over to his Dad, “Do you remember any of his visions dad?” “Son, Servant told me everything in his heart, he smiled, but when I read his notes, and journals I realized that there were a lot of things in his heart that he didn’t tell me, I think it was because he lived in the present, and in the presence, that is the presence of God, he hardly ever looked back much so that every day was a new day.” “Did you know about the firy rain Dad?” “No I didn’t son.” Servant saw everything so differently than others, his mother thought he liked being alone and quiet, but he was too different for friends, people ‘are’ people and when a man is marked out by God he is God’s and very often alone and completely alone in the world. That is a perfect man for martyrdom, that is the man set for the fire, as Servant would have said.

He saw things which men will never see, and when he read the word it was living, as in Hebrews four twelve. Servant gave his life to God, and the Devil used many pretentious professors to tear him down to nothing! I have read these books!” Tak became louder, almost shouting, tears flowing from his eyes. “I have read these books and I see what Servant saw, according to the same passage Apostle Paul declared of the gift of knowledge as well as the gift of wisdom, Servant had the gifts from his youth by Gods calling and gifting, far before he knew anything of the word, or of, of the church. Servant was murdered by men of pride, and right from his youth onward until his death he carried his cross most of the time not knowing that he had a cross to carry but his battle was relentless and he was a man of valor who never lived to see the result of the toils of his life, life seemed such a loss to him that he often grieved over it and that grief is the recurring thread in his journals along with the insights of knowledge which the world has denied itself through his rejection!

How perfectly so, so, like the life of the Savior!” “So off to the Storm, the Storm is on it’s path and men will not turn it away. Those who should have watched and prayed played their own pompous game and fattened themselves in carnal, familiar pride having no oil within their lamps or flasks!” “I am just a kid, but I know, I know what these words mean, and what the scriptures mean and many will hear, ‘I never knew you.’” “I never knew you!”



As they listened to Tak’s words each knowing them to be true Markus looked at Thankful then slowly at all of them in turn he stood and went over to Tak putting his arm around him. “Tak, we all know that you understand these things and that God’s Spirit is in you, you are a precious son and God’s hand will be on your life, but you must strengthen yourself in the power of his might, you must guard your heart from men, truly that goes for all for everyone who would follow God in this day, we must be filled with his word, the word of God alone is alive, mystics, and lying professors of faith are as a swarm of Locust, ‘they are everywhere there are people,’ and they crouch behind the doors to deceive even those who are the elect. You can know them by their fruits, they speak mysticism and the worship of angels, and spread their imagery everywhere, they promise peace and comfort but no cross, they imagine all manner of seeming goodness and glory where there is only imagination and fantasy they glory in what truly is their shame, ‘ and no wonder,’ as Paul said, the Devil makes himself an angel of light.”

Jena shot up from her chair joining them she beamed and could not resist but to speak. “I have seen these things myself Tak, I was a Pastor’s daughter, everyone courted my Father for favor, they wanted his approval they paraded themselves, and spoke wondrously about their families, work, and the classic, their ‘ministries’ my Dad would be grieved until he became sick at heart over them he often tried to open their vain eyes, saying that there must be an alter, and a cross, a death, and a baptism, in every life which the Lord God has touched! Hebrews says that God disciplines everyone he receives, and if we are without that chastisement we are illegitimate and not his. The people would always end up telling my Dad that they had their own opinion. He always told them if man’s opinion meant anything God himself would be confused. Surly the one who formed the heavens the earth the eyes and the ears knows ‘more’ and far more than the ones he has created for his own purpose and will!

Eventually he began to lose hope and rather than succumb to their will and self-righteousness, he began to preach the Cross and the blood, because without the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ there is no forgiveness of sin and no salvation, he began to preach that sin is an all-encompassing human condition, with which all men are born without exception, other than ‘Yeshua, Jesus Christ,’ and that only Christ’s sacrifice and blood opens the door to everlasting life with God. The more he spoke the reality of Gods whole word the more he became rejected until they crushed his Spirit and he could no longer preach. I see now that he should have stayed his course, he should have preached into the grave! Because death has no victory and the grave no sting to those who stand in the truth of Christ the King!” “Markus is right we need to strengthen ourselves in the word and the Spirit of God, and not assume that anyone knows him in truth at all.” When she had finished speaking Jena sat on the picnic bench next to Tak waiting anxiously to see if there would be any retort but no, none in this group, they all knew what she had said was true and would stand longer than the mountains.

Author: Hubert Rondeau

Storm: 30 pt 2

Evening came quickly, Markus walked out of the house over to the fence leaning on the top rail watching as he thought he’d noticed the mountains move. Eyes focused intently now he lost track of time as his mind ventured back a few years to the day he rode Partner out to the northern border of the ranch then tied the reigns over the saddle horn and sent the horse home intending to break in his new boots, he’d only gone a mile when his feet became callused and began to bleed, within view of the ranch and about a mile to go could no longer walk or stand. Thankful and Athena had seen him out there sitting on the top of the hill, they saw Partner out in the yard, knew he had new boot’s and ‘no’ socks, still they debated whether that little dot was a Bear, or a Wolf, or just what it might actually be? After some time they realized it was Markus and Thankful drove out to his rescue in the old Bedford pickup. Markus laughed as he remembered the exchange he and Thankful had when she finally came to his rescue, and he pulled on his new socks bloodied feet and all.

As he watched for the slightest movement from the mountains Markus remembered the Prophesies of Jesus in Matthew 24, and the words of Revelation chapter 1 where He addresses the Churches of the end time, how he warns each to turn from everything of carnality in all its humanistic forms repent of heart and return to their first love ‘Christ’ in Spirit and in truth. He thought of the church of Philadelphia who had a little power because they hadn’t denied his name, he thought of the Church of Laodicea who were about to be spewed out of his mouth because they were neither hot nor cold, but most of all he thought of the Church of the Ephesians, because they had a lot of merit, of discernment and understanding they knew the false but they themselves had left their first love, it seemed, becoming hardened and probably ridged in form and tradition having lost the sweetness of the love and fellowship of the Holy Spirit and the simplicity of devotion to Christ.

“What was she like,” Markus felt Thankful’s hand on his arm “What was Charity like?” Markus turned and took her into his arms, “Honey she was like you a pure and holy treasure from the Lord. Most men will never be blessed as I have been blessed, I will never stop thanking God for you. My time with Charity is past she is with Jesus now, how it has come to be that you and I met must be nothing short of his mercy because you are a miracle to me.” Markus hugged her tightly and began to walk to the house holding her at his side. “I was watching the mountains out there I was certain they moved for a moment.” ” Thankful It seems to me that we are in for a storm a very unusual storm. I believe it will be such that many will perish and that we will all know that God is on his throne and men will be humbled severely. In our time the church has played games with prosperity, and men have chased men for personal gain with grand agendas and fantastic illusions of doing a work for God but in pretense, and without the Holiness of God, and without his blessing because they have truly pursued humanistic pleasure rather than truth and Holiness which is the one prerequisite to seeing the Lord. The Storm is here honey and I believe it will soon be self evident, and it will be as Elijah’s dream – ‘we didn’t watch and we didn’t pray.’

Author: Hubert Rondeau


Sole reward

Sole Reward

Can I take this hand and hold this pen

can I write with words a glimpse of you

Brighter than the morning sun

Stronger than the ocean tides sweeter than the honey comb



Hubert Rondeau

Who am I and What happened to me??!!!!

Its late Oct 2018, The most incredible year of my 59!

Yesterday we had group for our local Brain Injury gang here in my home town. I really don’t want to write this I’m just so angry right now. As we all proceeded to introduce ourselves it was my turn and I began and got sidetracked with a flashback of the last 4 years events where I had hundreds of instances where upon waking from sleep I’d felt like I had literally died and come back to life, where it took hours each time to recuperate enough to go on! as I’m telling the group these things my case worker Yvette is just looking at me wide eyed and I realized that I’d never told her this and that because “Id never remembered till just now.


Image by Isaac Rondeau my son.

When these events happened for several years in a row, I didn’t understand that each time this happened my heart rate was far to low and I was oxygen depleted and adding to my then unrecognized brain injury. The times I went in to the Doctors over the years was asinine at best! And I received more ridicule and reviling than help. I fact I got no help at all. It was 2007-08 before I really began to understand that I have lived with multiple brain injuries my entire life, and still its just recently becoming evermore so clear the degree which they have impacted my whole life. The photo jarred me when I saw it recently and I asked Issac my son what motivated it and what was the focus? He said a girl in school had asked him if he could do a piece that depicted sadness, and that He couldn’t get it so He never showed it to her but left it at my house in a huge home made envelope.

The very thing that had been his focus is what stunned me about the piece, along with the simple beauty, the sense of wisdom and acceptance which I see it the drawing, and of course the pain. When I look at the picture I see myself, not in femininity but in brokenness and humility, and the struggles I am facing with acceptance.

Fifty plus years of life with a broken and wounded mind and body, coupled with the endless assaults of the world in utter ignorance of those wounds calls for a deep drawing on of resolve to inner peace, and resolution to wait on the day of the Lord when He will make it all right good and worth while.

Thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Jesus Christ His son!

So who am I and What happened to me? Well its still all a mystery, sometimes its a scary mystery, because it seems like there is so much that I still don’t know or understand. My prayer is Lord I have had enough please just take me home today amen.


Hubert Rondeau

An incredible video: Behold the hand behold the nail.

Millions miss this every day every year —-

They miss the nail pierced hands that brought salvation to the world, unbelievers tried to say no because the body weight of a man would tear his flesh  because its too weak to hold his body weight. So, timid Christians improvised with portraying the use of ropes to hold Yeshua Jesus to the cross.

Well behold the Hands, I know that my hands would hold my body nailed to a cross for days and I am not a hard working Carpenter as Jesus was.

Get a hold of this if your faith is too weak to hold you up and believe the word as written.

Behold the Nail