Fibromyalgia today



Ever wonder  what pain is ? I mean the kind of pain that puts you down, that keeps you down and makes you wish you’d never been born?  Yesterday was a day like that, a brutal day from start to end.

Ever go for a short walk and feel like your walking in a body cast? Where if you fell over you knew you couldn’t get up again.  and where the pain of every step made you wonder “why am I doing this?”

Ever wonder why why why why?

I can’t remember when I first saw the photo I posted above but its been several years now. I have used it in many posts and it still speaks loudly to me of the pain especially the leg pain I live with on a daily basis.

Ever get tired and frustrated when you hear the premiere “F word”  (fibromyalgia) spoken by those who have no idea what they are talking about referring to or are pro’s with? Sometimes I get so angry I call it…. Mybrofyalgia why? because all the  poop and fodder  deceptions and lies and misconceptions coming at you from every direction OVER THIS INVISIBLE DISEASE!

Okay Hubert cool off . Fibromyalgia is in no way invisible to the ones who love, and honestly care for those who suffer with it! In fact it is glaringly obvious! Even to the uncaring its so obvious that they judge us and leave us alone to face the beast by ourselves, saying things like “Ah its all in your head! Ah your just looking for attention! Ah your lazy! Ah aha you just want a free ride!

I forced my body to walk about 1 km yesterday, I wondered whether I’d be stopped if a Cop had seen me, the pain had me walking stiff legged at times and weaving and tottering at others. I thought I should get a T shirt printed that said “PACEMAKER” do not taser. No use though because the cops who eagerly taser people in my opinion are scared to get hurt or something, or maybe they are bullies with badges?

When I get a moments relief like for half an hour or so every once in a while the first thing I think about is going back to work and getting out of this apartment and getting into a house again. I used to have a life! I used to have children and work and all the things most people who know nothing about anything know everything about!

We get judged and put into somebodies mental box within seconds, and once we have been boxed up there is no getting out!

Until they can find a place to ship you or a “Mental” shelf to put us on until they conveniently forget that you are even alive!

Oh man this has become a rant I will end it here 😦  …sorry….


The photo is a bit disturbing I know I know…Imagine what it would take for you to feel this way .

Photo from online

Hubert Rondeau












Today I chose to follow you

Not to wonder alone

To hear your voice call on your name

To come and claim I’m Home


Today I chose to listen close

To hear your voice again

To rest my heart my soul my mind

Be still and be your friend


So far I’ve wondered from you Lord

Through strife and lusts and fears

The strife of men who say they’re yours

The lust they plant into the ears


“Ye can be like God”


Today I chose to follow you

Shut out the world of lies

Stand in faith in Christ alone

No more of men’s lies

Author: Hubert Rondeau