Strange Magic

Okay so here we go again Not leaving anything undone!

On about the 5 of September I was at my brother Mikes as he was working on  my pickup. Fords anyways.  As He worked I noticed a few things, hearing the drone of a sprayer flying overhead I looked up at the then clear blue sky.

Yes sir clear it was until, until The planes flew over leaving the tell tail trails which signify a spraying project underway, this one was a bit different though. the “Strange magic” was about to become manifest…

Follow the sequence of Photos I took below and I will expound more following them.


Clear sky with sprayer


Not so clear sky minutes later,  two passes made one ongoing


instant clouds and two brand new trails


Now add the “Strange Magic,  the scalar radio frequencies being pulsed into the sky at the same elevation as the chemtrails spreading them out.


The sun suddenly gone, the clouds didnt move in from the west or the est, but were magically made by the sprayers and the Frequency waves pulsed out overhead.


STRANGE! Well not really not anymore, for those of us who have been heads up, I myself since 2007, and others as far back as 1996, this is strange but not new.

So with all this my health turns and the things I suffer as the sprays come to the ground, you know the old adage, “what goes up must come down.” The chemicals in the mix make my heart disorder much worse and I get very ill. I’m not alone many people are harshly affected by Geoengineering.

In short this is criminal activity, and the perpetrators must some day be brought to trial and severely punished!

So strange magic indeed!  After you Listen to ELO’s  Strange magic skip on down and have a look at Frankenskies too. Then consider if you have an autonomic health disorder, consider and contemplates as to whether these thing could be compounding your problems and harshly affecting your life too.

All of these clouds suddenly appeared right out of thin air as I watched, and the whole sprayer event took no more than 30 minutes.


Remember we were talking about  “strange magic”  This documentary is  just a teaser for the mind that wants to know. I will likely be an offense to those who already know all there is and ever was to know about anything.


Am I still a believer I Christ today though I post these things… YES

May God Give you ears to hear and eyes to see, and a heart of understanding.


Hubert Rondeau