He who laughs

He who laughs at first, may often find he laughs alone.

He who laughs in response will find he laughs along.

He who laughs from Heaven firmly seated on His throne
laugh’s the while he wonders why the nations turn to wrong.


He who laughs the loudest

often laughs alone his booming voice of laughter

not a magnet to everyone.

He who laughs along sometimes feels the pain

of the one who laughs but should maybe be ashamed.

Why do the nations rage and the people plot in vain?

What good is all this laughter when they turn from me again?

Though I may laugh

and laugh along
there is a day to come
when they see my Holiness

have nowhere left to run.

Note: for understanding on laughter refer to Psalm 2 in the word of God
Author: Hubert Rondeau